30| My Person

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I sort through Allena's clothes, not understanding how one girl could wear this many outfits in a lifetime. Eventually, I forget what she did or didn't want in the pile, and quickly move back to her main room to ask her.

"Hey did you want..." My eyes drift up from the shirt in my hand and are met with an empty room. She's not here.

Panic seeps through me as i quickly run out of her room, scanning the hallway. It's empty. Deserted. Shit.

My feet are running down the hall, until i land on the twins door, and i hear a barely audible whimper. Without thinking I slam into the door, forcing it open.

Allena is in a corner, her arms wrapped around her body while Adonis is a couple feet away, his eyes now trained on me.

"Luca finally," Allena says quickly, stiffly moving from her spot. "Are you ready?" I ignore her taking a step torwards Adonis, but she's quick to stop me, grabbing my arm, and standing in front of me.

"Not now," She whispers, her eyes pleading with me.

"I'm ready," I sigh.

"Good," she nods, turning around facing Adonis. "I'll see you when we get back."

He just nods, not saying a word and watches me grab the twins bag and lead Allena out of the room.

"Don't say anything," She hisses to me, walking fast down the hallway and into her room. She throws the last few clothes in her bag and then slings it over her shoulder.

I silently follow her down the stairs and outside, and into the car. Only then do I see her crumble.

"I'm such a fucking idiot," She mumbles, resting her head on the dashboard.

"Did he touch you?" I ask, softly rubbing her back.

"It's nothing," she mumbles, her hands still covering her face.

"Allena, if you're hurt you have to tell me," I sigh. She doesn't say anything, just sighs.

"Can you just drive first?" She finally says, "I hate it here." I comply, using my free hand to back out snd start driving in the direction of the airport.

"Are you hurt?" I ask again.

"Nothing but my ego," She mumbles, slouching in her seat. "I swear."

I breathe a sigh of relief, and feel my hands loosen on the steering wheel.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have left," She mumbles.

"Don't apologize," I say softly. "It's your fucking house you should be able to go anywhere without me tagging along."


"Hm?" I ask, my eyes focused on the road.

"I don't ... life doesn't feel as shitty," She whispers.

"Well, im glad," I chuckle.

"No it doesn't feel as shitty because of you," She says softly. "Everything always feels so suffocating all the time, and when...when you're around it feels like I can finally take a breath," She sighs, leaning her head against the seat.

"Because you let me take care of you," I smile.

"It's not just that," She says quietly. "You just care. I don't think anyone has ever cared for me like you do. And I don't get it."

"Get what?" I ask softly.

"Why you care. About me," She mumbles. "I'm not not a nice person."

"Yeah, but you're my person," I blurt. The moment the words leave my mouth i immediately wish I could take them back. "I..."

"It's ok," She mumbles softly, not giving me any eye contact. "You're my person too."

Neither of us say anything else, we both just stay quiet. It's not the awkward silence where im usually trying to come up with conversation or wish I was anywhere else, it's comfortable. I feel safe. Content.


A lot of things I haven't felt all at once in a long while.

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