4| To Insanity

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In five minutes Luca and his father are set to arrive. And I am prepared to be publicly embarrassed and then beaten the moment they leave. I know little about Luca, but I have a good feeling the bastard will rat me out as a joke almost immediately.

"My dress is itchy." Eleni whispers, playing with the collar of her dress as we all wait in the foyer.

"Mine is just ugly." Callie mumbles disgustedly. I rub their backs soothingly, too nervous to try and say anything.

"They're here, sir." A servant says, peering out the door. Adonis fixes his tie and then straightens his posture, he glances at me, signaling for me to do the same.

Then, the servants open the door and I'm met with Luca Romano's stupid grin once again. A man who looks almost identical to him, just older, walks in front of him, quickly moving to shake Adonis' hand.

"Darling." Luca smiles, moving towards me. His hands grab my lower arms and he leans in to kiss my forehead.

Oh hell no.

I quickly pull away, giving him a quick glare before turning to Adonis. "Can you excuse us for a moment?"

Before he can tell me no, I grab Luca's arm and pull him down the hall into a random room, locking the door behind us.

"Woah, bellissima. A little early to be this horny don't you think..."

"Don't you dare finish that sentence." I snap, crossing my arms. "Do you wanna explain what the hell that act was?"

He smirks and jumps back into an armchair, crossing his legs. "You mean me acting like your boyfriend?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.

"You're not..." I start.

"Your boyfriend?" He finishes, his smirk growing even larger. "Oh, I know. So imagine how surprised I was when my father came and asked me why I didn't tell him I was seeing someone."

I can feel my face starting to flush red, but I bite my lip, trying to maintain some of my composure.

"You wanna explain that, Bellissima?" He asks, tilting his head.

"It was an accident." I snap. "Your name was the first one I thought of..."

"I'm flattered." He smiles, readjusting in the chair. I just glare, but continue.

"I don't expect you to do anything, if you just let me handle it, I can fix it...I'll tell my uncle, and it'll be like this never happened."

"Is that what you want?" He asks, crossing his legs. Before I can answer, he stands up, taking two strides towards me. "And be honest, sweetheart, I have a way of telling when people are lying."

"Of course it's what I want." I snap, his presence starting to irritate me.

"So why'd you mention my name in the first place then?" He asks, crossing his arms.

"It's none of your business."

"I'm guessing he started talking about engagements, right? And you got a little scared, didn't you?"

My eyes narrow, frustrated that he's somehow figured me out. "It doesn't matter. Let's just go back out, you'll shut your mouth, and I'll fix this." I say, moving towards the door.

Before I can open it, he grabs my arm, and pulls me back in front of him. "Do not touch me." I growl, shoving his arm off of me.

"Look, clearly you don't want to get engaged to some creep your uncle wants you to, correct?" He asks.

"Obviously, but..." I start.

"And I don't want to marry some random girl my father finds whose parents will pay us the most money. That's the reason why I kissed you."

"Ok, well that's not really my problem." I sigh.

"Everyone already thinks we're dating. What's the harm in keeping it up?" Luca asks.

He's a deranged, fucking idiot.

"I want you to listen. Carefully." I snap. "I made a mistake. A very quick lapse of judgment. And now I'm going to fix it."

"You've said that." He scoffs. "Multiple times."

"Because you're obviously not listening." I snap back.

"There's no harm in holding in this out, at least until the threat of an arranged marriage passes." He argues.

"I can't decide what happens to my future until I'm eighteen, and legally get my inheritance. That's months from now." I retort.

"And I can't decide until the business gets handed over to me in a few months." Luca adds. "We keep this up until then, and then we break it off."

"And what happens when they ask why we aren't engaged?" I ask.

"They won't. We just need it to last for a little." He continues. "Plus, we'd barely have to see each other. I'd be in Italy, and you'd be here. Occasionally we can be seen together, for the press and our family."

"They'll read right through us." I mumble.

"Only if we let them."

"This is insane." I whisper.

"Well, then what do you say, bellissima? Want to go to insanity with me?"

"It'll never work." I argue.

"We won't know until we try." He smirks. "Do we have a deal?"

I squeeze my eyes shut, not believing I'm actually doing this, but eventually open them.

"Fine." I sigh. "If you fuck this up, you're dead."

"You do know I'm in charge of an entire gang right?" He chuckles.

"Shut up."

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