19| All Yours

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When we pull into the house's driveway, the twins are both awake, peeking out their windows. "Hey girls, can you help me with some of the bags?" I whisper to them. They both nod, and run out of the car to the trunk. I climb out, and walk around to the back, opening Allena's door. Luckily, she's still asleep.

Carefully I pick her up, scared that if she were to wake up she might panic and carry her inside.

My mother lived in this house before she met my father. It used to be a farm, but the family sold it. I bought it after she died. I've never really used it until now. Slowly, I push open the door, and I see the inside of the house for the first time.

I can tell she lived here.

There's paintings all along the walls signed with her signature in the right corner. There's random pottery sprinkled along the corridors and the wrap around porch has white wick furniture. Her favorite.

Carefully, I carry Allena up the stairs and into the master bedroom, laying her on the giant bed. The moment I let go of her, she starts whimpering. "Please. No. Kal...please..." Her face  shows a pained expression that makes my stomach churn with rage.

"Allena." I whisper, shaking her shoulder. But, she doesn't seem to hear me. Tears are running down her face and no matter how loud I try to yell, she's still locked in her nightmare. And then, she stops, and lays frozen in the bed. For a couple seconds, I'm sure she's not even breathing.

And then her eyes shoot open like a horror movie or some shit. "Luca?" She whispers. "Yeah, I'm right here." I sigh, relieved she's ok. "Stay with me?" She asks, her voice cracking. I nod and then the twins come running into the room. "Group sleepover!" Eleni squeals, flopping on the bed, Callie following her.

"Maybe I should leave you three alone..." I start. "No!" The three of them say at once. "Luca, stay." Eleni pouts, grabbing my arm. "Please?" Allena whispers. "If you don't stay for cuddles I'm gonna..." Callie starts. She taps her chin. "Take all your chocolate cake!" She says, proud of herself. "Say no more." I smirk, climbing in beside Allena. "I'm all yours."

Allena gives me a small smile and then lays her head back down. We lay in silence for a while until I hear the soft snores of the twins. "Why do you think he did it?" Allena asks suddenly. I feel a pit in my stomach. "Because he's a dick..."

"No." She mumbles, cutting me off. "Why?" Her voice goes shaky and I can tell she's about to start crying. So, I rub my hand up and down her back until I can think of answer. "People are really messed up. And unfortunately, He was one of them. I know you want a reason. An answer to why this happened to you, but..." I pause and take a deep breath. "You won't get one. Nothing that will ever satisfy you at least. I'm not saying you deserve it, in my opinion you deserve the world."

She flips over and faces me with her swollen eyes and tear stained cheeks. "It's not my fault?" She whispers. "No, baby, it's not your fault." I whisper back, running my thumb along her jawline. Her eyes soften a little. "You called me baby." She mumbles, scrunching up her nose. I can feel my face turn red. How the fuck did I let that slip? When I focus back on her she shifts her head onto my chest and her eyes flutter shut. "Thank you." She whispers, and then she falls asleep.


My whole life I've been trained to be a product. To look pretty then seductive. Or to push away my feelings and focused on what really mattered. Making money. Business deals.

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