21| Kal

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After Gray showers, the two of us climb into his car, and start making our way towards Kal's place. Gray was able to find his location where he's probably hiding out, worried for his ass. Which, he should be.

"How was she after everything?" Gray asks, breaking the silence.

"I couldn't tell." I sigh, my eyes fixated on my shoes.

"I'm proud of you." Gray says suddenly.

"For what?" I scoff. "I wasn't there to protect her. God, she asked me to stay that night, and I told her I couldn't cause of my shit father..."

"Do you hear yourself?" Gray chuckles, cutting me off. "When is the last time you've genuinely cared for someone besides me and Maeve?"

"I'm not saying that I care it's just that no one..." I start.

"Oh shut up man. You're pussy whipped just like Maeve said. There's nothing wrong with that."

"Just that my dad is going to kill me if he finds out. Or even worse kill Allena." I mutter. Gray just tries to reassure me, but whether we admit it or not, we both know it's true.

Twenty minutes later, Gray pulls into into a fancy looking apartment complex. We each grab our bags, and then make our way inside.

"Number thirteen." Gray mumbles. "Second floor."

I nod and follow him up the stairs, and down the hall until we reach door 13.

"Knock and say the dry cleaning line." I mumble to Gray.

"Hell no, we both know I can't get my voice that fucking high." Gray hisses.

"If Allena was here right now she'd call you a sexist dick, not all cleaning people are women." I snap back.

"Well if we're trying to blend in, we should sound like a woman...."

"Gray?" I mumble.

"What the fuck is it now." He snaps back annoyed.

"Apartments don't have cleaning services. This isn't a fucking hotel." I groan.

"Well you're the one who asked in the first fucking place!" Gray snaps. Suddenly, the door flies open and a tired looking Kal appears.

"Well shit, he's stupider than I thought." Gray smirks. The moment me and Kal make eye contact his eyes bulge, and he tries to close the door. Before he can Gray lunges at him, grabbing his collar and slamming his head into the wall. I hear a crack and then the next second blood is spewing from Kal's nose followed by his annoying cries. I quickly glance down the hallways, making sure no one heard before going inside myself, and shutting the door behind us.


Saying what Kal did...felt empowering. I didn't of course feel like myself, yet but I felt stronger. And seeing Mia only helped.

"You suck balls at this, Laney." Callie smirks, her eyes glued on the TV. All of the girls, and I are in the living room, playing Mario Cart. Well, besides Eleni who is already knocked out on the couch.

"You tell her, girl." Mia chuckles, easily moving into first place.

"How the fuck does this game work?" Maeve mumbles annoyed, clicking random buttons on her controller. She's been holding it upside down for the last thirty minutes, but none of us have told her, just to see how long it takes her to get there. Although, somehow she's still in second place.

For the first time in a long time, I feel semi good. I'm not walking on eggshells around Adonis, and me and Luca are...good?

I barely remember anything from the bar the night, but I wanted him to stay with me. I remember that clearly. Maybe he apologized for the whole potentially fucking another girl thing? Or maybe he explained it? Or maybe I just am hoping that he will, so that I can forgive him, and we can move on.

I've hated him the past couple weeks. I let myself be vulnerable with him, and in return he hurt me. Bad. But I think out of all of that, I hate myself more because I was vulnerable to him.

Suddenly, my phone rings pulling me out of my thought, and back to reality. "I'll be back." I sigh, once I see the caller ID: Adonis.

I don't want to answer, but if I don't he'll make a big fucking deal out of it, hunt me down, and when he finds me beat me half to death before doing the same to the twins.

"Hello?" I sigh once I make it upstairs.

"You want to explain to me what's fucking going on?" He growls.

"You didn't see my little interview?" I smirk.

"Come home. Now. Because if I get my hands on you first..."

"You did the same thing to me." I say quickly. "I will come home, but on my own time. And I swear to
God if you threaten me or my sisters to come back or touch us, I will tell the entire world who you really are."

"You really think they'll take your word over mine?" He chuckles.

"I don't know. But I'm willing to risk it...are you?" There's a silence, a very long pause , and I sigh a breath of silent relief. "Goodbye, Adonis." I hang up the phone, angrily slamming it against the wall.

Well fuck.

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