33| Birthday

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"Maeve taking Allena out was dangerous," I sigh, as her, me, and Gray sit on the couch.

"I know, but you should've seen her, Luca. She was sad. And lonely. You've barely even acknowledged her."

"Well maybe you could've done something with her here instead?" Gray asks gently.

"It wouldn't have been the same," Maeve pouts. "But I won't do it again. I'm sorry."

"It's fine, Maeve. I know you were just trying to help." I say softly.

"I talked to my special friend," Maeve sighs. "He can meet me later tomorrow. I'll just miss a little bit of Allena's birthday."

Gray immediately got stiffer, but to my surprise didn't say anything.

"Sounds good. I'll make sure everything is set up."

"Oki doki," She nods. "I'm gonna go to bed, see you guys tomorrow," She smiles. Gray and I both say goodnight, and then sit in silence for a moment.

"Any updates?" He asks, breaking the silence.

"I tried talking to Kal. But he insisted there's no way to get Allena out of this."

"Well he could be lying," Gray sighs.

"It just doesn't add up," I groan. "Allena said both of her parents were shitty. But if her father was so bad, why would he want his daughter to be mafia lord, especially if he didn't even know her?"

"And why would he make a creep like Kal in charge until Allena could rule?"

"We need to find his will," I sigh.

"If we talked to Allena..." Gray starts.

"No. I don't want her knowing any of this. She's already recovering from Adonis. If she finds out about any of this she'll act on it, and she has no idea what she's dealing with."

"Then explain to her," Gray says quietly. "Because if she finds out from somewhere other than you, how do you know if she's going to trust you?"

"I already told her that the two of us needed to get engaged. And then...hopefully everyone will just leave her alone," I sigh.

"That's some delusional shit," Gray scoffs. "Look, I get it. You love her, and she's gone through hell, but if you want to save her life, we're going to need to know everything."


"Just think about it, Luca. This isn't a simple game. Her life is on the line."


"On the count of three..." A quiet voice whispers.

"Does that mean on three or after three?" Another voice comes. I smile to myself quickly realizing it's the twins.

"On three, duh."

"Well I was confused," Eleni mumbles.

"Ok ready? One...two...three!"

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