26| Adonis

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"What the fuck is that?" I freeze immediately, and notice his eyes are now lingering on my neck, the scattered bruises where Adonis choked me clearly evident.

"Luca," I start, instead of confronting him, I go to open the car door, but he locks it, trapping me.

"Allena, tell me who fucking did this to you," He snaps, his eyes still trained on my neck.

"Kal," I say quickly. He scoffs, shaking his head.

"Kal is with me, under my mafia's supervision twenty four seven, in fucking Italy."

Well shit.

"Your back..." He starts, suddenly clicking the pieces together, "you didn't fall, did you?"

"Luca, please," I whisper, tears starting to pool in my eyes.

"I saw you stumble today. Into the restaurant, into the booth. Like you were hurt...injured..." He turns to me again, and I realize he's figured out, and I am totally fucked.

"Is Adonis doing this to you?" He ask. I don't answer, but I don't have to. My silence says enough.

"Fuck." He snaps, slamming his hand onto the wheel. Suddenly, he starts the car again, pulling out of the driveway.

"Luca, what..."

"I'm taking you to one of my hotels," He mumbles, "Then, we can figure out what we're going to fucking do."

"There's nothing to figure out, just please take me home, Luca."

"Allena." He snaps. That's all it takes for me to realize that now matter how much I plead, he's not letting me of this car. And a small part of me is thankful. Still, the emotions overwhelm me, and I find tears pooling out of my eyes, as I slouch my head against the window.

We eventually pull into a parking lot, and Luca doesn't unlock the car, until he's standing in front of my door, blocking me from going anywhere.

"Come on," He says gently, offering his hand. For some reason I take it, and let him pull me up. I don't even look at the hotel, just follow him inside and to the elevator. Neither of us saying a word. Eventually, we make it to the penthouse room, and walk inside.

"Why don't you sit down?" He asks, motioning to a couch.

"Why'd you bring me here?" I ask, "To question me?"

"Precisely," He mumbles, throwing his jacket onto the ground. "Sit, Allena."

"You can't do this," I demand, although it comes out as more of a plea. "Luca, you don't understand."

"Then try to make me," He says, turning around to finally face me. "Because what ive gathered so far is that your uncle abuses you, pretty damn bad. Am I wrong? And don't even think about lying."

And for some reason, I can't lie to him. Not anymore. "No, you're not...you're not wrong, but you don't understand."

"You've mentioned," He mumbles, he then steers me towards the couch, forcing me to sit down before sitting besides me. He squeezes his eyes shut for a moment, taking a deep breath before he continues, "Allena, all im asking is that you talk to me, please."

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