41| Engagement

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"I got you the perfect dress." Maeve says softly, helping me sit up in my bed. Today is the day Luca and I officially get engaged in front of the press. I'm still feeling like shit, but we have to hurry before someone decides they want me dead.

"Thanks." I mumble, trying to not cry out in pain.

"You just keep managing to get beat up, don't you?" Maeve smiles, helping me onto my feet. We take slow steps, and even though the bathroom is only a few feet away, I don't think I can make it.

"Maeve." I whisper.

"I know, come on we're so close." She urges. "Three more steps." I suck in a breath, following her lead and taking another three steps before I collapse onto the seat in the bathroom Luca put in here for me.

"I knew it!" Maeve smiles, helping me sit down before grabbing her makeup bags.

"You're very...happy today." I mumble, leaning back.

"Well Gray paid for me to get my nails done yesterday, and you and Luca are getting married...so everything is just spectacular!" She squeals as she starts rubbing something onto my skin.

"You seem like the type to enjoy weddings." I mumble.

"Honestly, I've never been to one before." She shrugs. "But it's like every girls dream to get married. I've just always imagined it."

"Well I'm glad you're helping me plan this then." I sigh, offering her a small smile. "I never even thought I'd get married."

"Because you're mean to just about every guy you meet?" Maeve teases, doing my mascara.

I just shrug, and she crosses her arms.

"What?" I ask.

"This is going to be the happiest day of your life." She insists.

"I'm getting married so that someone doesn't kill me." I sigh, smoothing down my hair. "I'd hardly call that the happiest day of my life..."

"Yeah, but you and Luca are like dream goals!" Maeve smiles, moving to do my hair.

"But that's not why we're getting married." I murmur. "We're getting married because he feels bad...he pities me."

"Allena whatever your middle name is Draknos! Luca is marrying you to save your life, not because he feels bad, but because he loves you. You didn't see how awful he was when you were in the hospital. He cried every single night, and Luca never cries."

"He did?" I whisper.

"Yes, he did." She nods. "Don't tell him I told you that because then I'll get in trouble, but trust me, Luca doesn't pity you, Allena."

I just nod, contemplating her words as she continues to do my hair and makeup. Luca crying over me is one thing, but him loving me? I didn't think I was worth being loved.

"And voila! I present to you, Miss Allena Draknos, although soon to be Mrs. Allena Romano!" Maeve squeals, ushering the twins into the room.

"Wow, Laney, you look so pretty!" Eleni gushes, moving over to me. "Your dress is so pretty."

"It's white." Callie adds. "You never wear white."

"Well, this is for a very special occasion." I smile, kneeling down to them. "Usually brides wear white."

"You're gonna be the prettiest bride ever." Eleni smiles. "Isn't she Callie?"

"Yeah." Callie nods. "You're gonna look just like a princess."

"Ok girls, we have to go and get the engagement set up." Maeve smiles, holding out her hands. "Luca and Allena will meet us there in a little bit."

"Bye girls." I smile, pressing a kiss onto each of their foreheads. "Be good for me, ok?"

"Ok." They both nod. "Love you, Laney."

"I love you guys too."

"Thanks for everything, Maeve." I smile.

"Of course, you don't even have to thank me. That's what friends are for."

I watch as the three of them leave, and then slowly move to get back into my bed.

"Need some help?" Turning around, I see Luca, leaning against the door frame, an amused smile on his face.

"Yes." I sigh. He quickly moves over to me, pulling my body into his and helping me sit on my bed.

"How are you feeling?" He asks, sitting down beside me.

"Tired." I mumble. "I don't even look like im about to get engaged. I always look so washed out in white."

"Nonsense." Luca smiles, tucking a strand of her behind my ear. "I think you look beautiful."

I feel my face grow warm, and I stumble over my next words, not quite believing him. "I- no one...no one has ever told me that." I say quietly. "Not in the way you mean it."

"Another lie." Luca chuckles.

"What?" I ask. "How is that a lie-

"I've called you beautiful since the moment I've laid my eyes on you." He says softly. "Bellissima...it means beautiful."

"But I...but Mia told me that it meant annoying." I protest.

"No offense to Mia, but you really trusted her Italian?" He chuckles.

"Well I...well no...I guess not." I sigh. "You thought I was...beautiful, even when I was yelling at you over chocolate cake?" I whisper.

"Of course." He nods, holding his hands in mine. "Why do you think I wanted to fake date you so bad?" He asks.

"You're insane." I laugh. "Actually."

"I know." He nods. "But in the end I got the girl of my dreams, so does it really matter?" He asks.

"So you really want this?" I ask. "Marriage?"

"Of course, Allena. You're my person, remember?"

"And you're mine." I nod. I suck in a breath. "I want this too, and not just to save my life."

"Then, let's go do this." He grins. "Let's go get engaged."

An hour later, and Luca helps me into a restaurant, and the two of us slide into opposite booths.

"There's so many people here." I whisper, looking around.

"Well as Gray constantly reminded me, that's the point." Luca sighs. I just nod, taking a large sip of water. "Do you want to eat first or should we just...go for it?" He asks.

"The sooner the better." I sigh. "Who knows someone in here might want to kill me."

"Not funny." Luca winces. He nervously adjusts his tie before awkwardly sliding out of the booth and turning to me.

Oh Lord, help me.

"Allena Draknos." He smiles, slowly getting down on one knee. The room quickly goes silent, all eyes on us. "From the moment we met, I think I've always known, deep down, that you are my person. I didn't think that I could truly find it in my heart to love someone, but you proved me wrong, in so many ways. Allena, I love you. So fucking much that when you're gone it hurts, and when you're close I only want to be with you. So could you please do me the honor... and marry me?"

My heart beats fast as the word "yes" somehow floats its way out of my mouth, and Luca picks me up, holding me close to his body.

"You love me?" I whisper, over the hundreds of claps and shouting from around us.

"Of course I love you." He whispers. "Kiss me?" He asks. I lean forward, but my eyes land on everyone that starts to circle around us.

"Hey, it's ok, just keep your eyes one me. I've got you." He says gently. I nod, and I let him kiss me. The same electric feeling pulsing through my body like a drug.

When we finally pull away I smile against his lips, my eyes locked with his. "I love you too."

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