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There was a pinching of guilt lurking deep in your gut after your conflict with Eddie first thing this morning. You promised yourself you wouldn't be such a bitch all the time and yet here you were, the first irritation making you go directly for the jugular. It was the Munson effect. He drew out the most unhinged, savage parts of you.

Would you admit to it? Apologise for it? Not a hope in hell. But the guilt was there, usually easy to ignore but rearing its ugly head as you make your way to the lunch hall halfway through your first day back at school.

It had already been an exhausting babble of talking to all of your so-called friends, catching up and signing up to some extracurricular activities for the year. Namely the cheer squad, which you were on for your first senior year so had no trouble getting onto the moment you suggested it for your repeat year.

The canteen was buzzing with activity as you enter with Brenda, her slender pale arm linked through your own. 

You could spot Amber with a few other friends on a table in the back corner and she waves as she makes eye contact with you before going back to flirting with Larry Trainor, one of your brothers basketball friends. Amber had a crush on him since forever and he was finally starting to notice her. 

Smiling so much as you walked at the idea of Amber getting her schoolgirl crush, you hardly notice the chair that slides out in front of you, or the rock hard wall you fall into.

Nope. Not a wall. 

A sitting Eddie Munson, who shrugs you off of where you'd fallen against his shoulder. "Jesus, watch where you're fuckin' going." He scowls up at you, his gaggle of nerds snickering to themselves. You glare at them. One by one their smiles drop. 

Then you return your indignant attentions back to Eddie, who was sending the same expression right back to you, deep brown eyes narrowing in accusation.

"Why are you in my way?" You spit bitterly instead of apologising like a normal person. "You did that on purpose."

"Maybe you just need to come with a warning label." He sighs as he lifts from the chair to lean forward and grab something from the center of the table; a multi-sided dice with hues of green and white. "How's 'K' for 'Klutz'?"

His friends laugh again. You bristle. 

Your foot... accidentally... lurches out to kick the chair from beneath him just as he's about to sit back down, sending him crashing the floor in its absence with a pained grunt as he falls on his ass. Your smile was sickly sweet as you cock your head down at him where he laid on the hard ground. 

"Now who's the klutz, Munson?" You tease as you step over his fallen body, chin jutting out as you refuse to look back at his seething expression once you're past him. Brenda goes around him. Obviously. She was far too nice to be like you.

Unlike Amber, who was laughing her ass off as the two of you approach, practically dragging you down by your arm to sit beside her. "I can't believe you just did that." She says through gasping laughter that goes on far too long to be completely natural. You shrug as though it was nothing, but your heart was pounding from the interaction. 

Just like every interaction you had with him. 

You settle into easy conversation with Brenda, who was talking about the cheer squad. She'd gotten onto it too, so your excited chatter was all you could focus on. 

After a while, you focus more on listening than talking, entirely zoned out as you make your way through a cherry lollipop. Curious eyes move around the room, watching the other groups and how different they were. Your brother sat the end of your own table and you were doing your best to ignore him. He got so egotistical and annoying around his friends that you couldn't stand him even more than usual. 

Fine Line // Eddie Munson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now