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The window of your bedroom felt as cold and bleak as the weak muscle in your chest. Your time over Christmas break had done nothing but solidify the fact that you missed Eddie. Memories of your time spent together; the good times not the bad ones; kept plaguing you in not only your waking hours, but the sleepless nights you were tortured through as well.

You made a mistake. A colossal one. 

Part of you believed that you might be able to fix it, to get him back, but did you even deserve that? Because right now, you felt shitty. Like he was the one that deserved better.

Which he did. 

The night of your first date comes in a bittersweet memory. Even going to jail, he'd found some way to make it fun. You missed how bold and confident he made you feel. How not only hot he was, but how hot he made you feel as well. Like you were a goddess and he a mere mortal.

But not in the same way as Eggsy. Eggsy was borderline obsessive whereas Eddie was appreciative and worshiping. There was a difference. A very clear one. In your mind, at least.

A phone rings distantly but you're too busy looking out of the window at the frosted trees and thick snow littering the streets. The neighborhood you lived in was well taken care of despite it, the roads being cleared of snow and pathways scooped away so nobody fell or got snowed in.

Your worst nightmare. Snowed in with a house full of your family. Gross.

Winston was curled up in front of you, his head on your lap and sighing softly at the gentle strokes you laid upon his head. 

A knock at your door, your dads head following it. "Phone for you. It's Brenda." You don't even have it in you to feel relieved, though you were. You just felt sad. Really sad. For so many reasons. 

It all seemed to hit you at once and now you were crumbling.

But you go regardless and rest your forehead against the wall as you speak to her from the phone in the hall. "Hey, B."

"Nope. No grumpiness today. Know why?" She sounded far too happy for your liking. Your mom comes from her and your dads bedroom, trying to get by. You roll your eyes and squeeze in, almost gagging in disgust as her hand brushes your shoulder affectionately in passing. 


"Uh, did you really forget? It's Steve Harrington's new years eve costume party tonight, girl!" She was shrill and it rings in your ears, a groan drawing from your mouth. 

"I think I'm gonna miss it, if I'm being honest." You tell her and she immediately sets out a hundred protests. It was a party you'd been looking forward to all year - granted, that was before you went on that one failed date with the host. Yikes. You cringe internally, having forgotten about that. 

"We have to go! Come on, I've barely seen you, me and Amber are so excited to go with you." She pleads and you sigh, turning in spot so your back was to the wall now. You look at the patterned wallpaper on the other side of the hall, mulling the suggestion over in your mind. "I have it on good information that Eddie will be there too..." She mumbles into the mic, waving temptation in your face.

"I don't have a costume." One final protest, though weak willed now that you had a good enough reason to go. One last shot. That's what you were telling yourself. You were going to use tonight as an excuse to give it one last shot with Eddie, and if he was really done, still angry with you, then you would let whatever was between you die.

"I'm sure you'll think of something."


And boy, did you think of something. It was a little below the belt, but a perfect costume choice for the pathetic stalking you were going to be doing of your ex tonight. Not the last one. The one before the last o-- Eddie. It was Eddie.

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