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Secret meetings with Eddie in empty classrooms or dark supply closets started to become a habit. You couldn't seem to stop yourself; unable to ignore his enticing thrall for even a moment. There was something about doing something so risky that had your blood heating - and not in the bad way. 

The temptation of being caught was thrilling, and yet you worked hard to make sure nothing like that happened. Eddie didn't seem to care either way, simply content in whatever attentions you deigned to lay upon him. He was liking it just as much as you were, you think.

But after a week of it, you started to wonder what was going to come next. Sure, the secret make-out sessions were hot and kept you excited to go to school but it couldn't stay like this forever.

You didn't think. 

Either way, you wished it could since it was far less complicated, but even down to the bone you wanted more from him. Whether that was something physical or emotional, you hadn't quite figured out, but it was just a feeling of needing more. Whatever he had to give. 

From the way his hands kept gripping your hips so tightly as heated lips devour your neck now, you can tell that he feels much of the same way. But were you going to make the first move? Absolutely not. 

"Sh. I think I heard a noise." You whisper to him after a suspicious banging sound comes from outside the door. Your dainty fingers were resting on his shoulders, holding him back from continuing to abuse the pulse point on your throat. Glaring at the door, a gentle squeeze of your hips is meant to coax your attentions back to the metal-head so interested in getting his fill before lunch was over. 

"It's nothing, baby." He half-slurs, cheeks flaming red and lips parted as he leans back down towards you. Before he can reach his destination though, you nudge him back away, a brow raising at his persistence. 

"What if someone's out there?"

"Look..." He sighs low in his throat, pulling back to lean against the shelving unit across from you, though the room was so small his feet were mere centimeters from your own. "I get that you don't want your friends to know we're dating, but you're jumping at shadows right now. There's nobody out there."

"Dating?" You snort, though there's no malice to it. "That implies an actual date, Munson. What we're doing is fumbling around in the dark because for God knows what reason, I can't seem to keep away from you and you can't keep those grubby trailer park mitts off of me either."

"I seem to remember you loving these 'grubby trailer park mitts' being all over you." He teases, a hand outstretching so he could take your own, draping your fingertips over his lightly as he offers up a crooked smile to you. "But if it's a date you want, I'm happy to oblige. Didn't think it was your scene, that's all."

"Please, dating is like... The only thing I'm good at." Rolling your eyes, your self-deprecating humor is intended to lighten the mood, but it only makes him frown at you.

"That's not true." A slow shake of his head as he steps closer to you again, smothering you in his proximity. Not that you minded. "You're phenomenal at being a bitch too. Trust me."

"Screw you." You quip, though you're already laughing at his words. It filled you with a strange sense of pride; it was something you'd been working on perfecting for so many years, after all. "We wouldn't be here right now if you weren't into it. You've got some sick attraction to being bullied."

"By you?" He raises a brow. "Oh yeah, sweetheart. Makes my chest go all gooey." Eddie was just joking with you, but the way he looked at you so intently  when he said it makes your own chest go a little gooey. Like he was really masking the truth behind playful words though it remained honest all the same. "Now, can we go back to making out?"

Fine Line // Eddie Munson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now