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Having things back to normal was strange yet admittedly satisfying at times now that the gossip and rumors had ceased. Your friends were fine with you again, your days were relaxed and missing the miserable tension from everyone at school. In fact, things really were normal again since you and Eddie weren't on the best of terms.

All week he'd either ignored you or made some snarky remark at you about your life choices, your pop quiz answers that he was copying, your appearance. It should have been a relief to know he was mad instead of sad, making it easier for the both of you to move on, but even you had to admit it stung a little.

The consequences of your own actions, huh? 

So come Friday night, you stopped on the way home from school to pick up a few mud masks, a movie, some nice snacks - everything you'd need for a little self-care evening with your bestest boy. Winston, that is. Who wags his little tail as you get home and dances at your ankles until you lift him up into your arms before you're even fully inside yet.

"Hey, buddy!" You greet, giggling at his eager kisses to your cheek. You never realised until right now how truly disgusting puppy breath was. 

Setting him down, you groan as you hear thudding and music from upstairs. Jason and his friends must be up there, probably preparing for the stupidity and mischief to come on their Friday night. You wonder who they might bully today, or what bar they might attempt to drink dry, or what abandoned store they might destroy.

Doing your best to ignore it, you set out your snacks and drinks, your masks and the chosen video tape - Splash - before going upstairs to change into something more comfortable. Winston's chubby little legs still struggle with the stairs as he follows you, but you think he's slowly getting the hang of it.

In your pink cotton pajama shorts and an over-sized, off shoulder cream sweater, you head to the bathroom to take your makeup off and tie up your hair. A smashing sound comes from Jason's room as you're heading back downstairs and you roll your eyes, muttering something beneath your breath about how annoying he was. 

Winston whines and you remember he can't quite make it down the stairs yet, scared since he toppled attempting it a few days ago, and you pick him up to carry him back to the living room.

There was no sign of your dad which meant he must be working. So you slip the tape into the player and adjust the settings on the TV, letting the movie play while you busy yourself smearing pale green mud mask onto your face. Winston tries to lick at it and you let out a soft laugh as you move him away from your face and onto the floor. "Stop it. You're gross." You snort, wiping your hands clean on a plush white towel. 

Footsteps thud down the stairs. "What the hell did you break this time, Jase?" You huff at your brother, not bothering to look his way. 

"Not Jason...- But, it was just a glass of water, cupcake. Don't worry." Whipping your head around, Eggsy flinches at your coated features that catch him off guard, eyes going a little wide. It takes you a second to realise he hadn't expected you to turn around looking so crazy in your mud mask, though you're grateful of it masking the way your cheeks flush a little.

"Are you going to clean it up?" You quirk a slowly drying brow and it feels tight at the movement. Attempting a stern expression was apparently futile with the ridiculous mask on though, since he just smiles at you, cheeky and wolfish and growing more with every passing second.

"Yes, ma'am. I mean--" He takes a step into the room, lips settling at last in a broad grin. "I already did. I just came down to grab another drink. What, uhh.." He lifts a slender digit, flicking it between you and the TV. "What are you doing?"

Fine Line // Eddie Munson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now