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"Ouch!" You yelp as the stick shift digs into your ribs mid-hot and heavy kiss with Eddie. His hand lingers on your cheek though his lips have left yours to peel back in release of a delightful laugh. He soothes the pain his van had caused with a delicate swipe of his thumb over your cheek. 

"What do you say we take this inside?" He asks, voice saccharine and more enticing than you could have anticipated. With a voice like that, he could have you conquer nations for him without question. 

But the warmth of his gaze as it settles hungrily over your curved mouth tells you that he feels exactly the same. "That sounds perfect." 

There seemed to be this conjoined electricity between the two of you, both buzzed with the affirmation of your mutual emotions and feelings toward one another. The elation of the successful evening, the sweet words confirming you were just as enamored with him as he was with you, it had you both positively trembling in your joyful excitement. 

He slips from the drivers side and rounds the car. You'd just gotten your door open when he boots it shut again, stopping you from exiting the van. "Hey-!" You begin to protest but the words change to giggles as he opens your door himself and dips into a tremendously dramatic bow. "M'lady." He says and you roll your eyes playfully as you get out. "Like I'd let you open your own door. Please."

The apples of his cheeks were a flush pink though it wasn't shyness or anxiety, but happiness, you think. Ringed fingers loop through your own like they were meant to be there; like they belonged. Right there, pressed against the delicate curve of your digits, the pads of his warm fingertips pressing your knuckles and squeezing briefly as he walks you to his trailer.

You use the meeting of appendages to guide him to face you as he nears his front door, stepping up onto your toes to deliver another kiss to his lips. Truth is you missed them. In the brief absence between his van and here, the ghost of his kisses had become so yearned for that you couldn't take it.

A soft groan, almost inaudible, trembles the muscles in the depths of his throat at the unexpected yet very much welcome assault. He takes control almost immediately, one hand steeping beneath your chin to keep you in place as the other fumbles with the handle of the door behind him. His tongue dips past the barrier of your lips and you think you might pass out from how wonderful it felt.

Successful in its prior pursuits, the metal of his rings scrapes against the similar metal of the handle as it slides off of it to find purchase at the small of your back, pressing you against him and once again reawakening that fire in your gut for him.

What better way to celebrate the evening if not to rail each other into oblivion? 

There isn't one. You tell yourself and you know the thought would make you smile if your lips hadn't been otherwise occupied in that moment. Your hands explore the dips and curves of his torso as he guides you inside without breaking the entwining of your mouths. He turns you expertly, kicking the door shut behind him.

"Oh--Uhh--- Shit, Ed's, keep it PG-13 when I'm home, will ya?" A deep, gruff, and entirely amused voice fills the hollowness of the air and you almost jump out of your skin from the shock of it. Now, who the f-

Eddie breaks away but keeps his hand at your hip to steady you, casting a glance over his shoulder. He laughs then. You look at the man on the couch, an older guy with a kind smile that offers no more than a quick nod to greet you with. "Uncle Wayne. You're, uhh. Didn't realise you were home. No work tonight?"

Oh. It's his uncle. Of course.

You recognise him now from the small and faded picture on Eddie's nightstand of him, Wayne and who you assume is his dad since he looked a lot like Eddie but with shorter and less wild hair. 

Fine Line // Eddie Munson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now