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Tired eyes ache to be rubbed and you're far too exhausted to refuse them. Dropping your purple pencil, you raise a hand to do as intended, a yawn tearing free while it had the chance. Over the past few days Eddie had been preparing you for your first Dungeons and Dragons campaign. Something you never thought you'd ever be doing.

And yet, as you discussed it with him and pieced together your character - a rogue High Elf thief called Yandje with a dark and mysterious past - you began to actually have a lot of fun. Eddie seemed to be having the time of his life introducing you to his favorite game as well.

With every confusing explanation came a warm, encouraging smile. When you'd grow frustrated at not knowing what the hell you needed a million dice for and what the rolls meant, he'd chuckle softly and suggest a little break to go and get some food. He'd even been putting off helping your dad out with his car until the first campaign was over so he could help as much as he could before Friday.

Which was today.


Glancing at the clock beside your bed, lit by the yellowy glow of your lamp, it reads 2:00 in the morning. You should absolutely be asleep but you were far too enraptured in drawing up a sketch of your beloved character.

Until a few years ago, you'd loved drawing and sketching. Were you amazing at it? No. But you could get by. It was something you hadn't done in a long time but felt oddly satisfying to be delving into again. The urge had come on a whim as you finished writing up your character sheet with Eddie over the phone. Eventually he'd dozed off and you cut off the phone so his uncle didn't murder him for an extortionate phone bill.

So now you sat alone - except for Winston who would huff and grumble occasionally that the light was still on. He wanted to sleep. Lazy little shit. 

And he'd soon have his wish because you'd just finished the drawing of your character. She had one pitch black eye and one bright white, both larger than proportionate and almond-shaped. Her pale blonde hair was clasped with golden accents into a long and flowing braid. The lower half of her face is covered with a deep purple cloth that matched the hooded cloak draping over her shoulders. Gold-hilted daggers and throwing knives were tucked into sheaths littering the fabric - a calculated move so she might never, or at least rarely, run out of weapons. 

You weren't sure if it was allowed in-game, but she sure as shit looked incredible with them. At her hip sat a large kindjal dagger in its sheath with purple gemstones tucked into the ornately decorated golden hilt. 

"Look, buddy." You hold the drawing up for Winston who simply looks at it once before dropping back onto the comfort of your plush sheets. He didn't care. But you were so excited and pleased with how it turned out that you couldn't wait until the campaign tomorrow. 

You thought about calling Eddie to tell him all about it. It was something you were desperate to tell him because you knew how happy he'd be about it. But no. It was far too late for that and the Dungeon Master needed his rest. 

You'd have to wait until tomorrow.


Brenda picked you up in the morning and made light fun of your evening plans. She couldn't quite believe for herself that you were heading down such a nerdy path. The you that existed a few months ago would have screamed, cried and thrown up over the news of what was happening tonight.

But that wasn't you anymore.

After learning more about it, you couldn't wait to take part this evening and not just sit by as the others did all the work. 

Fine Line // Eddie Munson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now