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Eating lunch in your car the following day was just... Sad. And weird. And definitely lonely. Especially with Brenda still out sick, but it absolutely beat sitting with either of the groups you weren't wanted in. The bread in your sandwich tasted dull and the meal itself was poorly made. You had to make it yourself with mom gone and, well.. You weren't exactly known for your culinary talents. 

But still. You didn't miss her. The threatening aura, like a shark smelling blood, was impossible to miss with her not being around. At least that particular weight was lifted from your shoulders at home.

But Jason seemed to be getting worse, meaner. Popularity had gotten to his head big time.

He was the least of your worries right now though with the plans tonight to spend with Eddie at his dorky Hellfire club. Prisons and pheasants? Bars and swords? God, you couldn't even remember the name of the game they all obsessed over. 

It wasn't expected to be a fun evening, but you tried your best to remain hopeful since at the very least it showed you put effort into learning more about Eddie and what he enjoyed. You wanted to enjoy it; for it to surprise you and end up being a new hobby of yours. It just didn't feel like that would happen. At all. You felt entirely dejected and miserable, leaning forward to rest your forehead on the steering wheel of your car.

If you switched the engine on right now, you could drive home and miss the rest of today, feigning sickness to get out of this evening. Gareth and his little buddies would love that, you were sure. 

Good thing you didn't care what Gareth and his little buddies loved. You were in this for Eddie. Wanting to learn more about this game and its complexities if only to make him know you were interested in more than the sexual desire he seemed to instill in you.

So, you go. Donning a baby blue sweater to shield against the cold and white jeans, hair up to keep it out of your face and a fresh coat of gloss on your lips.

They're all sat as you return to the room you'd passed before when you spied on them playing. It's dimly lit and you know it's deliberate to set the mood. All seats were taken - a recurring theme, you started to notice. 

Dustin smiles as you enter, waving sweetly at you which softens the hardened organ in your chest a little. You expected the worst, but were strangely grateful of his presence. Two of them liking you was better than just Eddie. "There's my girl." The man himself preens as you enter, slumping back in his wooden throne with books propped up around him. 

You manage a small smile and a general wave, even going so far as to mumbling a quick hello. You're met with grunts of greeting and eyes following you as you move to find a seat to pull up. There was one at the other end of the table to Eddie, next to Nancy Wheeler's little brother.

No. That wouldn't do.

"Where were we?" Jeff huffs.

"You guys started already?" You raise a brow at Eddie, who has the decency to look a little flushed in his shame. You'd thought you were early as it was, showing up five minutes before Eddie had told you was the time they usually started. Evidently not.

"Sorry, sweetheart. Hard to keep the guys waiting." A nonchalant shrug, as if that made it all okay. It was like missing cheer practice all over again. He goes back to the campaign, slipping quickly into the role of dungeon master and the others hang on his every word, ignoring the crestfallen expression on your face for once again being left out.

Until you get back at them for starting without you by making sure the feet of the metal chair legs scrape loudly against the floor as you drag it to the other end of the table.

Fine Line // Eddie Munson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now