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 Monday came far too slowly after an eventful Halloween weekend. You were nervous over what could have been said over the weekend and the state of your reputation come time for school. Surprisingly though, it was radio silence. Even when you showed up to class, nobody said a thing to you except for the usual pleasantries. 

You took it as a good thing, obviously. A sign Eddie knew when to keep his mouth shut. 

The dirty little secret birthed in the depths of a seedy bathroom and not nearly enough alcohol to excuse it was safe. For now, at least. 

You were just about relaxed in time for lunch break, the bell ringing giving you a moment of elation at the thought of not having to think about much for the next half hour or so. The distance that you had to cross to the table to get to your friends was far too long though and corrupted with the presence of Eddie Munson and his table of friends which were excitedly discussing something. Probably something geeky. 

Why did you find that cute?

Chin held high, you make a fine point of not daring to look at him or his friends as you pass by. Of course, that is, until your name cuts you free of your stoic restraints. Whipping around to find a shy smile beneath a head of tangled curls, Eddie's voice was saccharine and sweet, something so unlike him that it took you by surprise, though only marginally less than his words did. 

"You look nice." 

I look.. nice? You frown at him, deep and more irritated than you had initially intended. "Where's the punchline to whatever joke you're making? I don't have time for this." You huff, arms crossing over your chest in petulance.

"There... isn't a joke." Eddie blinks up at you from where he was sat at the head of the table, chair angled to face you now that you were talking to him. The eyes of those at both your table and his were on you, edging closer to catch whatever morsels of the coming fight that they could get. 

"I'm sorry, what are you trying to say?" You were perplexed and as much was clear on your expression. 

"That you... look... nice?" He answers simply, like it was the most obvious thing in existence. Okay. Say he was being serious and passing a kind compliment to you to make you feel good; something entirely unlike him and yet potentially to be expected after your little tryst in the bathroom of the Hideout. But it was exposing you. To speak to you like that in public, in front of everyone? 

What was the point in not telling anyone to protect your reputation if he was only going to expose you the moment he had a chance in public?

A soft growl in frustration as you roll your eyes and throw your hands up in defeat. "Whatever." You tut and spin on your heel to go back out of the lunch hall. There was the sudden urge to be alone, to be locked away to calm the thrumming in your chest. Your cheeks felt hot and you knew they'd be red and plump by now, showcasing your darkest sin to the world should they choose to read a little into it.

You needed to get away from the staring eyes, and the empty hallways provided the perfect cover of anonymity. Everyone was too busy eating their food or talking about other things to pay much mind to the way you huffed your way through Hawkins High. 

It didn't matter that his words made your chest blossom. It didn't matter that you'd spent a little extra time making yourself look cute today, knowing you would see him, putting on your prettiest lilac floral blouse and pale pink skirt, the pop of color making you feel pretty. The fact that he'd noticed had both enticed and incensed you. 

The look in his eyes as they'd flitted over your visage appreciatively comes into your mind and you curse your errant thoughts. 

Then warmth encompasses your wrist, thick digits wrapping around it to offer a tender support as they pull you in an opposing direction to where you'd been going. Letting out a little startled sound, you find a mess of curls dragging you into a supply closet. The door is shut quickly and darkness encompasses the tiny space, but you can still smell his distinct musk from his proximity. Cigarettes, cheap aftershave and marijuana. 

Fine Line // Eddie Munson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now