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It's the next morning before you brave returning home. Brenda had given you a change of clothes and spending time with her family had been far more preferable to your own. Maybe you could convince them to adopt you even though you were too old for that now.

But when Brenda finally brings you home in the morning to get showered and into some of your own clothes before your trip to the mall, you're sidelined as you attempt to sneak in. 

"Could you come in here for a second, please?" The unwanted and not at all missed voice of your mother calls to you from the kitchen. You debate going. You really do. But it's just... You had no interest in her bullshit.

"Can't. Have plans with Brenda, so whatever horseshit you're about to spew at me, you can keep it to yourself."

She rounds the corner, face beet red at your insolence. "How dare you? I am still your mother, you do not talk to me like that in my own house." Her nostrils flare, making her look like an angry little gremlin. You almost laugh. 

"Honey, when you start acting  like a mother instead of lying your way through life... That's when I'll listen to whatever you have to say." You snort a vicious and humorless laugh, eyes rolling skyward as you ascend the stairs to your room. There's no sign of her following you though she does curse and shout expletives at you from where she stood.

You still lock your door for good measure so she couldn't come in to berate you. Then you set yourself out a cute outfit; your baby pink tennis dress with the argyle print, some white sneakers and a matching white purse. It was mild outside today, warmer than expected, so naturally you were taking full use of the sun's appearance though you do take a small jacket in case it gets colder.

There's still a chill as you get out of the shower though, letting you know that it was either still winter, or Debbie Carver's heart was now cold enough to affect the temperature of the whole house.

Hmm. Probably a little of both. 

You change and get Winston on his leash, bringing him with you which he is incredibly over-excited about. Mom tries to talk to you again as you leave, but you just extend a hand to show you weren't interested. With your dad not here to mediate, there was nothing she could really do to stop you from leaving.

Brenda was singing along to some music when you slip back into the passenger side, though she squeals as she sees Winston on your lap. "Fluffy baby!" She squeaks, immediately reaching out to give him a hug. "Hi, baby. Remember me? Aunt Brenda?" She coos, pressing endless kisses to his face. 

He whines happily until she stops and then his chubby little legs carry him back into your arms. "How'd it go?" She asks as she starts the engine again and peels off the drive. 

"Fine. She tried to talk to me, but I didn't hang around. You could have waited inside, you know?" You raise a brow at her. She despised conflict and you knew that's why she didn't join you, but you had a lingering guilt over leaving her to wait in the car while you changed no matter how much she insisted it was fine.

"Ugh and see that hag? No, thanks." She teases and you laugh as you fiddle with Winston, who had a dashing little bow tie on his collar today. With Thanksgiving over, it was time to prep for Christmas early so when Brenda suggested a trip to the mall, you were thrilled. 

The heating in her car was warm; something you're grateful for in your pretty little dress that was absolutely a mistake. Winter was still very much around. Maybe you could convince your dad to let you and Brenda go somewhere hotter for Christmas, where you could sit on a beach sipping margaritas and not worry about stupid boy troubles.

Speaking of. 

You found your mind drifting to who you might see at the mall today. A little insecurity over whether Eggsy might be here, but you were sure he and your brother would have plans elsewhere instead. You hope. 

Fine Line // Eddie Munson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now