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A heavy sigh as fingers tear free the notice from the gymnasium door, alerting the cheer squad about a change in schedule to tonight's practice. They had plenty of opportunity to reschedule and let you know about it, but elected to hide behind a note? 

Granted, you might be reading into it too much. But there was a nausea to your stomach that told you what you knew in your gut - it was beginning. The beginning of the end.

The downfall you'd been fearing; the display in the cafeteria only acting as catalyst to hurry along what you'd expected to happen. Social ruin. The end of your popularity and standing in this shithole. 

The note is crumpled between fingers unwilling to hold it any longer, another sigh slipping past the barrier of parted lips as your aim at the trash can misses. You don't pick it up. 

Sluggish shoulders and pouting lips lead the way as you start to head back out of school. Part of you wondered where Brenda was since she was meant to be at practice as well, but maybe they'd managed to tell her before she had a chance to let you know also. You didn't know. All you knew was it made you feel pretty crappy.

Yet it doesn't make you regret your decision at all. Well, maybe a little. But the satisfaction from seeing Jason simmer with fury after the kiss was winning over regret right now.

A gentle thrumming sound, acoustic and familiar, calls to you like an alluring siren song, feet already following it before you could give it a second thought. Eddie was in the music room again, lashes fanning over his cheeks as he focused on playing the chords to a song you vaguely recognised. 

You're quiet as a mouse as you enter, settling with elation the moment your eyes fall upon him. Seeing his handsome face was enough to at least salve your dejection a little bit. 

Attempting to remain quiet, you pull up a chair that screeches in protest against the hard floor. Shit. He's startled by the sound, almost dropping the guitar perched in his lap though relaxes the moment those enticing hues recognise the guilty expression in front of him. "Sorry. My bad." You offer up an apology for disturbing him, but he doesn't have an ounce of care in him about it, only worried about making sure he gave you the most dazzling smile he could at your presence in the room with him. Aw. He was excited to see you. 

It warms that steadily beating organ in your chest, kicking it into more frantic action.

"No practice tonight?" He asks, raising a brow and nodding at your cheer uniform. 

"Uhh, no... Looks like it was moved." Seeming nonchalant about the whole thing, you shrug and sit down. Not close enough. A few shuffles brings your chair closer to Eddie, who snorts with a laugh at your simply adorable attempts to be nearer to him. "What are you working on? Writing something to serenade me with?" You tease.

"No." He playfully rolls his eyes, reaching out to the underneath of your seat to yank you those last few inches closer to his own chair that you'd been respectfully keeping so he wasn't smothered by you. You yelp though it quickly shifts into a light giggle at his antics. "I did, uhh.. I did write a song for you, actually. But it's not something I'm really working on right now."

Preening with the knowledge you'd apparently inspired him, your cheeks heat. "Oh? What's it called?" The butterflies in your gut were having an absolute field day with this information. 

He pauses though and you think you note guilt flash over his features. Odd. "It's, umm. It was going to be called 'The Devil Wears a Mini Skirt'..." He trails off, noticing the way your face falls. The butterflies die. Oh. Rude. "But I'm not working on it anymore, like I said. It was back when we still hated each other."

Fine Line // Eddie Munson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now