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The month that followed had been torture. Unable to go out and see your friends, or exist outside of school and cheer practice had taken its toll and you felt miserable. Part of you regretted that day and your actions, but what were you supposed to do? Let Dan's actions go unchecked? Allow him to treat you like that, giving him all but confirmation his behavior was appropriate?

Absolutely not. 

Cheer practice ran late today and your muscles were aching as you stretch them out at the end of the evening after packing everything up. Your last day of grounding was yesterday which you wasted no time reminding your mom of about fifteen times this morning.

You had plans with Brenda but after such a long day you surprisingly just wanted your bed. Fun could wait until tomorrow - what was one more night of solitude, after all? Especially when it was optional.

She had been fine about it obviously, promising to pick you up in the morning so you could go shopping at Starcourt together. Nothing like a bit of retail therapy, after all.

It was just you in the gymnasium now, lacing up your shoes a little tighter as you sling your gym bag over your shoulder. The thick strap sets itself in the curve, your hand resting casually atop the baby blue bag hanging at your hip as you push through the double doors and into the hall. 

The lights flicker overhead, the hallways empty at this hour. In a way, it was kinda spooky. Like something out of the horror movies you refused to watch. 

Your white sneakers tap against the polished floor beneath your feet as you walk, bag heavy and will to keep going waning with every step. You just had to make it to your car, but it felt like a million miles away. 

"A maiden with flowing blonde hair and a voluptuous chest peeking out from beneath her crimson dress approaches you..." The voice was recognizable and yet held an energy to it that was entirely foreign. You didn't think anyone but the janitor would be here this late.It draws your attention and you edge closer to the firmly shut wooden door muffling the sound, pressing your ear against the cool timber. "She tells you she knows where you can find the monster you seek, but she has a price for the information..."

Yep. It was definitely Eddie. 

His words made no sense to you though, sounding like he was reading a book or explaining a dorky fantasy movie. The handle of the door glistens under the flickering luminescence, drawing your attentions as curiosity raises in your mind. 

Go home. You command yourself, brows knitting as you glare at the handle. I'm not going to open it. You tell yourself as you do just that, slowly pressing delicate fingers to cool metal and edging it down as quietly as you could. Eddie's thick, vibrant voice comes louder as you nudge the door open enough just to peek through.

In the middle of the room was a large table littered with a vast playing board, little figurines and scatterings of paper. Around it sat Eddie's friends in matching shirts, each and every one of them on the edge of their seats as they pay attention to their leader.

They all looked so happy, too, like this was the most fun thing they'd ever done. It was lame. But also kind of.. Sweet.

Gross. Who were you? Isolation was detrimental to your beloved superiority complex, it seemed.

Eddie himself was stood at the end of the table, hands planted to it as he dramatically reads out some of the plot from the books stood up in front of him, shielding the others from the secrets on their pages. He looked entirely in his element, features lit up with devious humor and mischief. The other boys clung to his every word, offering suggestions to the problems he posed and either cheering or grumbling depending on the outcome of how their oddly shaped dice fell.

Fine Line // Eddie Munson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now