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"I just-- Holy shit-- What?!" Brenda was puffing out words between hysterical laughter as you drove her to school, wearing the same cheer uniform you were in preparation for practice tonight. You were exhausted but it was skillfully hidden under makeup, as always. Unfortunately, your dad insisted you still go to school today since what had happened last night had been 'your fault' so you had to deal with the consequences. Unfair. Mean. Uncalled for. In your opinion, anyway.

"Yep. Don't tell anyone, though. Not quite ready for when Amber finds out, she'll tear me a new one." You roll your eyes, grateful the girl in question wasn't present currently. Ever since she got with Larry, he'd been taking her to school in your stead.

She swears herself to secrecy, but when you finally arrive at school, you know it's pointless. The stares begin. Mumbling gossip beneath breaths. You're not even fully out of the car before you're pinned with the bewildered glances of your peers. Oh, no. But how did they even know? Did they know? From how they were looking at you, you guessed as much, but the only people that knew were you and Eddie. And your dad. It didn't make any sense.

Regardless of it though, you jut your chin out in confidence. You ran this school. Fuck what everyone else thought of you.

You wondered how long you could try to force yourself to believe that before it crumbled. 

"Do you think Eddie told everyone?" Voice low enough so only Brenda could hear it as she comes to your side, she offers an apologetic shrug. Would he do that to you? God, probably. Knowing Eddie, he probably couldn't wait to get to school and scream from the bleachers that he'd taken Hawkins' princess out on a date and gotten her arrested.

It made sense, but a niggling in your chest was blossoming with doubt at your own thoughts. You wanted to think better of him than that, wanted to believe he wouldn't just tell everyone without making sure you were comfortable about it yet. 

"..dating the freak, can you believe?" You catch the tail-end of a conversation between some irrelevant girls you'd never even paid attention to before. 

"I heard they hooked up in jail..." Another spreads lies, which makes your cheeks heat. Your expression remained impassive, at ease, but on the inside you were starting to crumble. The truth was one thing, but rumors could ruin you entirely. Especially ones like that.

A low breath is exhaled slowly through glossy lips - to anyone else, it would have seemed like a deep breath, but Brenda knew better. She reaches out to take your hand, offering a shred of comfort to your thudding pulse as she followed you through the halls of the school. 

"Amber, hey." You greet your other friend like normal as she leans against her locker, Larry perched beside her whispering sweet nothings into her ear. She giggles at something he says and then finally acknowledges your existence. Her face falls. Lips twist into mocking amusement.

"Bold of you to show your face today, Carver." Larry, simpering with a knowing smirk, regards you instead and you frown at him. 

"I was talking to Amber. What are you, her fucking parrot?" Frustrations began to spill out of you before you could stop them at his insinuation, but with all eyes on you it was getting overwhelming and difficult to not snap.

"Don't talk to him like that." Amber finally pipes up, pushing from the locker to stand defensively in front of her boyfriend. "Not when you've been getting nasty with trailer trash Munson."

"I have not been-" 

"Please. My dad saw you getting dragged into the station together last night by Sheriff Hopper." Larry cuts in and you curse yourself for forgetting his fathers occupation at the police station. With other things on your mind last night, it was easy to miss, but you were obviously paying for it now. "Not exactly very discreet of you if you're trying to hide your little relationship, is it?"

Fine Line // Eddie Munson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now