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The atmosphere at school was entirely different again on Monday. News of your other new romance had spread; no doubt from the horses metaphorical mouth since Eggsy seemed incredibly pleased with the blossoming relationship.

You hadn't seen Eddie all morning and with the spreading news, you were a little bit grateful for it. It couldn't be nice for him to see you moving on, and you felt a small amount of guilt, but mostly you just weren't prepared for his comments on the matter which you had no doubts would be less than positive. Understandable, yet you weren't in the mood for confrontation.

When you sit down at lunch to eat, Brenda takes her unofficial yet assigned seat beside you and you update her on the events of the weekend and everything since.

Eggsy had called, as requested. And come over uninvited under the guise of seeing Jason and then hung out with you in your bedroom while you did homework on Sunday. It was nice. He was easy company, but a little... much.

"I honestly feel like my lips are about to fall off, B. How many times can you kiss someone before that actually happens?" You whisper and she laughs so hard she snorts. "Stop, I'm not kidding. He's cute, but ... God. Give the guy and inch, he's taken a mile and that's an understatement."

"Is that not a good thing? That he's interested in you as much as he is? That he's totally crazy about you?" She raises a perfectly sculptured ginger brow at you and you can see it in her eyes that she wants you to admit words that you might not be willing to elicit aloud.

"Yes. Of course it is." You nod as you speak, affirming well and good that it was a good thing. You liked how much he liked you. It felt nice.

It was just blatantly obvious that where you saw something casual and easy, he was hoping for more. Perhaps this was his idea of a highschool sweetheart that would end in life-long love? Whatever it was, there was the feeling you couldn't shake that he liked you a lot more than you liked him.

Which was sad. And you felt an overwhelming tsunami of guilt over the fact, but what could you do?

"So what's the problem?"

"Nothing, it's just--"

"There's my girl." The man himself slumps into the seat on your other side, draping his arm over your shoulders. He leans in for a kiss and you plant your palm to his chest, though you grin to soften the blow.

"Oh, I have a fresh coat of gloss on." You giggle a little, pointing at the sheen upon your lips that you'd set upon it while you spoke to Brenda. Brenda, who was now strategically pretending to eat a sandwich though you knew she'd be listening in.

"Fine, fine." Eggsy feigns annoyance with an eyeroll, planting his smiling lips to your cheek instead. Jason didn't look happy at the encounter, at having apparently lost his friend to you, but even he couldn't deny he felt better about this relationship than your prior one. Eggsy may have been his best friend, but in Jason's eyes, that was still a lot better than 'trailer trash freak'.

You make polite conversation, chatting away like there wasn't a dark circle in the middle of your chest that yearned for more. That whispered at you that this wasn't enough. You had everything you could have wanted; so what the hell more could you get? What would be enough for your longing heart?

Ignoring it, you delve into the conversation and pass away the doubt with mindless gossip. When lunch ends, you relax a little more. By the time biology comes around, you're tensing up again in apprehension.

Sure, he hadn't been around all day. But that didn't mean he wouldn't show up to this one specific class just to torment you.

You're being ridiculous. You tell yourself, willing yourself to believe there was no way Eddie Munson was bunking all day and then showing up just to be a nuisance.

Fine Line // Eddie Munson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now