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It was foolish of you to think nothing could sour your good mood. It really was. But then you'd been avoiding the one -- well, two -- things capable of just that. Eddie had dropped you home after school with the promise of calling you later to talk more about Hellfire. You were practically counting down the seconds.

Once you get inside, those two aforementioned 'things' were chatting away in the kitchen in hushed tones. No sign of your dad yet. You sigh, figuring you were going to have to face them alone.

You could go upstairs to your room and avoid them. But honestly, part of you wanted to confront them, especially now that your dad approved of your relationship. It didn't matter what your mom or Jason thought now. Not to you, your dad, Eddie. Their opinions only mattered to themselves. 

They were sat at the breakfast bar when you enter the kitchen, moving to get some water from the chilled carafe in the refrigerator. They glance up at you, their hushed words unsurprisingly ceasing the moment they see you. "Oh, don't stop on my account. I'm sure I can guess all the charming things you were saying about me."

"The world doesn't revolve around you, you know that right?" Your mom heaves out, glaring at you with a vile look about her. Jason, her hapless little lap dog, smirks a little and mirrors the expression of his matriarch. He apparently didn't have a mind of his own anymore. 

"Oh?" You snort humorlessly, turning to face them and cocking your head to one side. "So, what were you talking about?"

She has the good grace to look ashamed of herself, though it's fleeting. Her mouth drops open with stuttering excuses but you simply roll your eyes. "My point exactly. Do feel free to be the bigger person and actually talk about it to my face. Or are you too much of a damn coward?"

"Don't talk to mom like that!" Jason explodes, slamming a palm against the marble counter-top.

You laugh; a taunting and bitter sound to your own ears. "Or what? What the fuck are you going to do, Jason?" You'd had just about enough of both of them. Their little gossip sessions, the whispers behind your back, the resentment they housed for both you and your boyfriend. "I'm sick of the both of you thinking you're better than me. I have had more love in the past few days from the boy you so vehemently hate than I ever got from either of you. My so-called 'family'..."

Debbie avoids eye contact with you entirely at that, jutting out her chin in indignance and setting her thin lips into a hard line. Jason was the opposite, all glaring eyes and grimacing mouth. He was pissed.

"I get it. He's poor, dirty trailer trash." You mock their expressions before rolling your eyes again. "So fucking what? He makes me happy. And while I know that's something neither of you want, it's tough shit because he's not going anywhere."

"Of course we want you to be happy--" Your mom begins to say but you could have smell the bullshit a mile away.

"Yeah, right!" You set the water back into the refrigerator, suddenly no longer thirsty, and fold your arms over your chest. "Not once have you ever cared about me. Jason, sure. Your star child, the poster boy for the Carver family. I'm sure he'll marry the perfect girl - the daughter you always wanted - and you can forget all about me. So why does it matter so much who I'm with?"

She stammers over her words again and you mock her for it. 

"Enough. I've had enough. The only reason I can even begin to comprehend is simply because you don't want me to be happy. Because it's not that you don't care about me, it's that you actually hate me. Why, mom? What was it that I did that made you hate me so much?" Your voice cracks a little and you curse it. Saying all of this out loud was harder than you anticipated - realising it was true was even worse. "Was it not graduating? Was it dating Charlie Munson's son? Was it being fucking born a girl?! What was it, mom?!"

Fine Line // Eddie Munson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now