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Eddie had been driving for some time. His music played quietly over the speakers - he'd had it much louder but since you weren't allowed to turn it off and put on something better suited to your tastes, you'd come to a compromise of at least turning it down a little so you could hear him speak. 

You had no idea where he was taking you, but you were excited nevertheless. And nervous. You couldn't remember the last time you'd been out in public so disheveled and bare and were concerned you might run into someone you know and be branded ugly for the rest of the school year.

It was strangely freeing at the same time though. You weren't sold on it, but definitely open to trying it again.

"So, where are we going?" You ask for the millionth time, hoping this time he'll finally crack and tell you. He doesn't. Just offers up a wolfish grin as he keeps his attentions on the road. Not a single cell in your body trusted that look.

Of course, you were right. He pulls up to the parking lot of a miniature golf place that was obviously closed from how dark it was, the gate to it locked shut with a chain and padlock. You shoot him a look. His smile grows. "What is this?" 

"A date." He taunts, bumping the edge of his forefinger against your chin before he hops out. He heads to the gate instead of stopping to open your door for you - you mark him down for it. It was basic chivalry. But Eddie, he was far too excited to think about things like that right now and far too inexperienced with girls like you to know it would be a negative for him to not do it. 

Either way, once you're out of the car, he remembers your existence and turns on his heel to come back over and reach out for your hand. The glee on his expression has you giving in instantly, lifting your hand to drape in his own as your amusement blooms. "It's closed."

"Observant, aren't you?" He snorts and you roll your eyes though it does nothing to dull your mood. Once he's got you at the gate, he ducks into a squat and sets his hands in front of him, nodding at the locked gate in gesture of something you couldn't decipher. "Come on. Hop on over."

"Are you joking?" You deadpan. He wanted to break in?! You'd never done anything illegal in your whole life and weren't planning on starting now. "Eddie, it's closed. We can't go in there, it's trespassing."

"So? I know the owner, he's cool with it." He assures you with an impatient roll of his eyes. "Go on. It's fine."

Reluctant to do so, you step into his awaiting hands and he pushes you up until you're straddling the top of the fence and then swinging your legs over to drop down the other side. He makes quick work doing the same, running up the meshed metal and expertly swinging over to the other side. Obviously not his first time, you note. 

But it was yours and you were extra nervous because of it.

If he knew the owner though, he'd probably set this whole thing up. Got permission to be here to show you a good time with just the two of you; which was undeniably sweet and touching. So you stuff down your reservations and follow him as he grabs two putting clubs and two balls. A pink one for you and a blue one for him. You twirl it in your fingers, smiling at the color. "Pink?"

"Please. If I gave you the blue, I'd never hear the end of it." He feigns an irritated huff, voice going higher in mock of you as he continues. "Eddie, you know pink is my color why the hell did you give me the blue?"

The unimpressed look you give him at the impersonation makes him laugh. "That's not what I sound like."

Eddies takes a few steps closer, encasing you in arms which wrap around your frame. You let him. You pout as you do so of course, but let him all the same.

Fine Line // Eddie Munson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now