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The gentle thud of Eddie's heart in his chest was thrumming against the side of your face where you lay on him, tucked beneath his arm as his fingertips brush through the hair at your temple. It felt utterly glorious. 

Your hand was lifted where his free one was toying with it. He turns it and runs his fingertips affectionately over your palm, and then your own digits as he measures the size difference between the two. A lazy smile encompasses your mouth as you tap the inner knuckles of his ringed fingers.

Rings you take interest in, running the pad of your forefinger over each of them. "You could have left these on, you know?" You mumble, blushing despite yourself.

"I could have. But I prefer taking them off.." He presses his lips to your forehead, filling in the missing detail as to 'why?' before you have a chance to ask it, voice deep and silken. "To get deeper.."

Your heart does this annoying little leap in your chest, that recently satisfied yet still painfully prominent hunger in your gut for him awakening once more at his words.

"I see." You swallow, glad he can't see the furious flush on your cheeks from this angle. Then you interlace your fingers with his at last and leave the two hands to settle in a complex, muddled heap on his chest. The heat from where your hands met could have kept you warmed forever. You were sure of it. "So, I have a question."

"Yes, I'll have sex with you again. And again. No need to beg." His over-exaggerated sigh is cut off by a grunt as you dig him in the sides. He laughs, squeezing you a little tighter to his side. "I'm kidding, what is it?"

"Umm... My dad wants to meet you."

"That's not a question." He's quick to note, but you're quicker in feeling the way he slightly tenses up at the suggestion.

You sigh. "Will you have dinner with my dad and me tomorrow?" You felt tense too and couldn't figure out why. Your other exes had met your dad and you hardly cared since it wasn't like your dad would be dating them. Or seeing much of them, for that matter. Dating was more of an aesthetic than anything real for you. Until now.

With Eddie, you were nervous. The feelings you had for him were stronger than you could have anticipated and that scared you. Knowing your dad might not approve scared you too.

"I don't know, I do have an important meeting with the president, and then there's supper with Princess Di, I can't cancel that agai- Ouch!" You'd dug him in the guts again and were now propped up on an elbow to look at him. He must notice the serious demeanor you held because his smile drops into one much softer. "Sure, I'll meet Tommy Carver."

You groan and drop your head onto his chest. This was going to be a disaster. You'd never be allowed to date again. "Don't call him that. He hates it."

A fingertip brushes beneath your chin, urging you to return your gaze to your lover. "Is this a 'best behavior' type deal?" You nod. His top lip curls in disdain. "Do I have to wear a suit? Eat with those tiny little forks?"

Okay, that made you laugh. The image of Eddie pushing expensive food around with a tiny fork in those deliciously large hands. "I don't know, my dad said he'd make a reservation somewhere."

"Yep. Definitely sounding like somewhere I won't even be remotely comfortable in." He purses his lips and narrows his eyes as if deep in thought. A pang of guilt ripples through your chest. He was right after all, your dad would absolutely book somewhere he was comfortable in, not Eddie.

"I can get him to make it a dinner at home, but then you'd have Jason and my mom to deal with too--"

"You know, a fancy dinner with Tom sounds great. I'll dig out my cleanest shirt for it." He teases and you smile at him.

Fine Line // Eddie Munson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now