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// (A/N: Emetophobia warning for this chapter.)

"Please, he probably won't even show up." Brenda was putting slender legs into an emerald green satin thin-strap dress, black fishnets coating milky thighs and following the planes of her calves into black heeled boots. The glittery chain around her neck sparkles in the low light of her bedroom and auburn ringlets encompass her stunning features. 

The conversation was, naturally, focused on her little practical joke earlier that you were still pouting about as you apply a coat of clear gloss over the layer of deep red lipstick sat beneath it.

You were wearing a figure hugging black dress that had long sleeves and a low cleavage that dipped in the very center of the square neckline. It sat at the mids of your thighs, black pantyhose rolled up beneath the dress to protect your modesty. 

"I just don't understand what would possess you, B." You roll your eyes but there's no malice to it. Even with him here, if he dared to show up, you were determined to have a good time. Screw school tomorrow, you'd worked hard for two whole days. You deserved to let loose. 

You didn't. But telling yourself that made you feel better.

"Are you serious?" She cocks a ginger brow up at you, looking at your reflection in the mirror as you sit at her vanity, her own form draping itself over the end of her bed. "Do I need to spell it out for you?"

Lined lids narrow at her and you set the gloss down on the vanity table, slumping back in the white seat. She gets up from her spot and comes to stand behind you, leaning down so she could speak into your ear as your eyes met in the mirror. Her fingertips brush over the skin of your neck as she tucks your hair back, a wicked smirk splitting her features. "He likes you, you know?"

A burst of laughter, more forced than not, slips free of your lips at the incredulity of the suggestion. "Next joke, please. Eddie Munson is literally the worst person in the world. We hate each other. It's kinda our thing, haven't you noticed?"

Brenda doesn't say anything for a long while. You could tell she wanted to and was exuding disbelief at your words, though she doesn't let anything slip as she drapes her forearms around your shoulders. She was warm and comforting, a perfect contrast to the intense accusation of her mischievous expression. 

"How did that come about, by the way? Your little feud?" She asks as she pulls up to a stand, long fingers seeping into your hair and combing through the locks as she styles it for you. 

You were still reeling from her suggestion, unable to answer her for a while after she questions you. There was no doubt in your mind that Eddie despised you. He'd made it abundantly clear; as had you with him. She was deluded and wrong about this, simply wanting to play Cupid where it wasn't wanted or needed.

"We used to be inseparable, you know." You tell her, nodding in confirmation as she gawks at your reflection in disbelief. "Yep. In kindergarten. He had this mop of little curls on his head and these big brown eyes that always seemed so sad." You despise the threatening smile at the memory of child-Eddie who was far nicer than adult-Eddie. 

Fingers fiddle in your lap, eyes flicking down to watch them as you remember the first time you met Eddie. "He was bullied a lot and spent a lot of time on his own. One day he was sitting in the corner facing the wall and I could see his shoulder just... like, trembling. Like he was crying. I went over and he looked up at me with tears in his eyes that he tried his best to hide... And I sat down beside him, pulled a piece of candy from my pocket and gave it to him." You risk a glance up at Brenda in the mirror, who was smiling softly as she listened to your tale. "It was the first time I saw him smile. He had these cute little dimples."

Fine Line // Eddie Munson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now