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"I can't go on." You whine helplessly as Brenda dabs baby blue eyeshadow onto your lids in hopes of masking your violent hangover. The prior night was nothing but shadows right now, a delirious fog that made your stomach churn. 

Who ever thought a weeknight was a good idea for a party? Right. Your best friend. Who you glare at now for that exact reason; and the fact she looks so fresh this morning despite how she'd been just as messy as yourself last night. She'd apparently found you outside on the swing as the party was clearing out in the early hours and draped you over her shoulder for a hilarious stumble inside to her room. You wished you could remember it. It sounded fun.

You'd slept deeply but not at all for long enough and it was showing in your irritable and nauseated demeanor. "Yes you can, honey. Come on. We have school." She encourages as she lifts a glass of water to your lips.

She was wearing a cute yellow sundress despite the cold weather, though she'd dressed it down with a thick woolen button-up sweater that was a shade darker than her chestnut locks. You were wearing a blue miniskirt that she'd managed to shuck up your hips while still in bed and a v-neck white shirt tucked into it. Your jacket - well, technically her jacket - was a matching blue to your skirt and cropped denim that rolled up to your elbows when you finally sit up to put it on. 

You felt like death. Actual death.

"Here. These will help." She giggles as she hands you a pair of small round shades to cover your eyes, the blue tinge not only working to match your outfit but also hide the dark bags beneath your eyes. 

Then your hair is piled up away from your face, giving the intentional yet perfectly structured look of mess with a few strands falling to frame your features. 

Your limbs were heavy with exhaustion and the hangover curdling your blood. She takes your hand and you huff as you follow her, each trudging step feeling harder than the last. Brenda drives since you were obviously in no state to and you take the moment as passenger princess to take a quick nap until she pulls up to school.

It takes until lunch to feel some semblance of alive and even then it's not enough. You felt grateful that the rest of your table was in much the same way, all hungover and sluggish except for Brenda who seemed to have some connection to an energy you so desperately sought out.

Your chin rests in your hand, elbow on the table as your eyes scan the room behind your shades. Your teachers had made you remove them while in class, but there was nothing they could do over lunch break at least, hidden by the bodies surrounding you at the chairs around the dining table. The pricks of your skin send the hairs on the back of your neck shooting up, and you're left wandering why until you scan further and find pits of obsidian fixated on you.

His thick curls were pulled back into a low bun today, a few strands sticking out in protest. Eddie was rocking the actual messy bun look and it makes you almost laugh to recognise the similarity between the two hairstyles today. Until he smiles at you.

Just a little. An echo of it, just ghosting briefly over his lips so quick you might have missed it if you'd chosen to blink in that moment. 

But it was there. Not mocking you. Warm, almost. 

It makes you frown. 

He was making fun of you again, huh? You roll your eyes and grumble, allowing your forehead to drop onto the table in irritation. Sober, happy, everyday you was a mean little bitch at the best of times but hungover you? Despised every living creature in the world - except your best friends of course.  

"Did you see that fucking freak try to crash the party last night?" Ears prick to Amber's chosen topic but you don't raise your head, just listening for now. "How embarrassing for him. I mean, come on, who would ever invite trailer trash to hang out with us?"

Fine Line // Eddie Munson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now