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"Oh my god, you said that to him?" Brenda giggles down the phone at you, the cord of your personal handset stretched and twirled around your finger from where the base rests on your bedside table. A satisfied smirk was firmly seated on your lips, baby pink nightgown rising slightly as you bend your knees and lay back against the plush pillows.

"You should have seen his face. He went all tomato red, it was hilarious." You were filling her in on the events of the day she hadn't been there for, which honestly wasn't many, but you were excited to tell her about your small victory over Eddie 'the freak' Munson. 

"What happened after that?"

"Hm, not much. The usual. We sat in tense silence and he ran out as soon as the bell rang." You say, shrugging to yourself. Then you huff. You were feeling weird talking about it all of a sudden. "But enough about him. What's going on with your party tomorrow night? Can I stay over?"

"Sure, honey." She agrees without missing a beat, and there's a small sigh at the other end accompanied by a splashing sound.

"Are you in the bath?" 

"Yeah. Today was stressful, I want to relax."

"How the hell did you get your phone in there?" 

She snorts and you hear another splash as she settles in fully. "With great difficulty, but it's worth it. Anyway - The party. We'll hand out flyers to people tomorrow to get them to come. Anyone in particular you want to avoid?"

"Feel like it would be easier to list the people I do want there, but it's fine. Just invite whoever, we'll have a good night anyway." You explain, mentally listing everyone you wanted to avoid. Your annoying little brother and his basketball grunts were unsurprisingly at the top of the list.

Well. Second place. 

But it was very close.

Speaking of the bane of your existence, he comes barging into your room and you scramble to sit up and glare at him. "Get the fuck out."

"I just--" He begins to say, already looking defeated. You didn't care. "I need to use the phone, can you free up the line?"

"Now!" You insist and pick up the tiny white teddy bear holding a love heart from beside you on the bed and throw full pelt at him. He ducks behind the door just in time and shakes his head, muttering something under his breath as he does so. 

No. No you could not free up the line; especially for him. "And next time knock, you little weirdo!"

"Jason?" Brenda asks and you grumble out a confirmation. 

"Do not invite him. I want to have fun and that little snitch will go running right back to my mom."

"Ew, gross. You know I can't stand him, he's not even remotely invited into my home." You could practically hear her eye roll. You let out a sigh of relief and roll onto your side. Your lids were heavy but you didn't quiet want to get off the phone yet. "Are you tired, honey? You can sleep."

"How the hell did you--"

"You're my best friend. I know you better than you know yourself." The smile was evident in her tone. "Go on, I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight."

"You're right. Enjoy your bath, baby. Talk to you tomorrow." You hum and reach across to put the phone back in the base with a satisfying little click. Then you tuck yourself beneath the blankets and fall into a deep sleep, excited for the 'back to school' party at Brenda's tomorrow despite it being midweek and absolutely a bad idea. 


Brenda hung out with you in Biology before the class started. You were in Eddie's seat since he wasn't there yet and Brenda was in yours since her lab partner, Amber, hadn't arrived yet either. You were laughing about the party, looking at the copies of the little white flyer she'd made to advertise it.

Fine Line // Eddie Munson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now