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The warmth beside you radiated like it was your very own living heat pad. Without opening your eyes, still working hard to remain in the clutches of the sleep you'd been so encumbered with, your reach out and run your fingers through silken hair.

A sleep smile, lazy and slow, creeps up the corners of your mouth. "Good morning." You grumble and there's movement beside you.

Then a wet tongue licks up your face. You open your eyes to a very excitable Winston trying to sneak in another kiss. And no Eddie. He must have left after you'd fallen asleep last night. Lips that had previously been smiling were jutted out into a disappointed pout now. 

Winston was wonderful to wake up next to, sure... But you wished Eddie had stuck around. 

"Well, good morning to you too, handsome." You tell Winston as you stroke over his head. He barks a few times and runs over to the door, wanting to be let outside to use the bathroom. 

So you get up and dressed, happy it's a Saturday so you could spend some much needed time with your furry baby. When you get downstairs to retrieve his leash, you bump into your dad in the hall. He must have been working today despite it being a Saturday because he was in a suit looking sharp as ever, hair slicked back and face clean-shaven. Except for... Oh, God. He was seemingly growing out his 'stache. "What the hell is that caterpillar on your lip, dad?" You laugh, making light fun of him as he sips a cup of coffee.

He shakes his head but his mouth was hinting at a responding smile. "Just... Trying out a new look. Is it awful?"

Aw. You felt kind of bad for poking fun at him at that. 

"A little. But you rock it." You snort, lying of course. Mustaches were for pornstars and old men in your eyes. Your dad was far too young to be donning one already. "Are you working today?"

"No, I just have a meeting this morning." His smile was gone, tone a little more clipped. It wasn't missed by you but you don't pry any further, simply shrugging it off with a short nod as you curl Winston's leash up in your hands. "Be home for dinner tonight. Six o'clock."

There was a distance to his eyes and you wanted to ask more, but Winston was already circling your legs excitedly. You clip his leash on and agree to your dad's terms. "Sure. See you later." 

You walked Winston all the way to Brenda's house and she squeals when she opens the door to you in her yellow overalls and white crew-neck. She looked simply adorable, curls pinned back and her outfit a beautiful contrast to the pink mini skirt and crop tee you were wearing. "Baby boy!" She dips and grunts as she lifts Winston up, who was squirming to get the best angle for kisses and fuss. 

"Hey, girl!" You greet, slinging an arm over her shoulder. Brenda invites you inside and takes you up to her room. Winston hops all over her bed not that she minded, and then curls up into a little ball for a nap while the two of you talk.

"So, how did it go with Robin?" You ask. You'd been dying to find out ever since she told you she was going to ask her to be her girlfriend. Sitting across from you on the bed, Winston's head in her lap, she bites her lip a little and sense of disappointment creeps up your spine.

"Well, I asked her while we were making out in her car..." She sighs. "She said she wants to, it's just... Difficult, you know? Because of our situation. She's nervous to put a label on it."

"Shit. I'm sorry, B." You really were. All you wanted was the best for her but she seemed to keep hitting obstacles at every corner. "What can I do?" She just shrugs, turning to lay with her head on the other side of your lap. You run your fingers through her finger curls and look down at her sad, pale face.

Fine Line // Eddie Munson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now