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Eddie's lips were tantalising against your soft skin as you linger in your moment with him. He had you leaning against the counter again while he peppers your cheeks, your neck, your collarbone with feather-light kisses.

Your lids were sealed in bliss, something that couldn't be said for your lips which hung open in a lazy grin. "You know... We can't hide in here forever."

He groans, pulling back so he can gaze upon you through hooded lashes. He looked sleepy, but it was just the heady mixture of sex and happiness in his brain. Something you were familiar with too since you felt the same. To have this kind of connection with him again felt so beautifully immaculate. It made you embarrassingly dopey how happy you were with him. "We can sure try." He suggests, running the backs of his fingers along your upper thigh in a teasing caress.

"Oh, but I haven't even had a dance out of you yet. At a party. That's criminal." You smirk, all playful and flirty. He folds. Obviously.

"Ah, well let me make it up to you then, miss." He dips into a dramatic bow and extends a hand which you take, giggling as he uses it to twirl you out and then back into his arms. His front was pressed to your back and he leans to press his lips to your cheek, breath warm upon it as he speaks. "Better?" He cocks a brow.

You roll your eyes and laugh, stepping from his grasp and towards the door, a finger crooked in gesture for him to follow.

"Yes. But come with me anyway. I'm done hiding away with you." You tell him and his eyes light up a little at the affirmation, his dimples dipping in with the force of his lovely smile. He follows you downstairs, fingers linked with your own.

You could see everyone having a good time, Brenda was sat talking with Robin, and even Adrienne was there in the corner, flashing you a knowing wink and a smile as she sees you both descend the stairs. You blush, but smile at her anyway.

Then you take Eddie right to the middle of the dance floor as a pop song he definitely hated blares over the speakers.

But he doesn't care. He's too busy grinning like the Cheshire cat down at you as your bodies move in synchronicity. His hands were tracing the delicate curve of your waist all the way down to your hips. You fleetingly worried in case people were staring or being mean again, but honestly nobody seemed to have a problem with it anymore. Not here, drunk and having fun at least.

Clearly your point had gotten across earlier.

The music is lowered and a very intoxicated and sloppy Steve Harrington steps up on the couch, hands clasped around his lips to extend his slurred voice. "Shut up, fuckers! It's almost midnight." He laughs, swaying a little on his feet. "So count down with me!"

He checks the clock on the wall, starting from ten. Most people chant along, including yourself and Eddie who were far too disgustingly happy.

"Three!... Two!... One! Happy New Year!" And Eddie's lips are on you, not heated or passionate, but sweet and tender, peppering your lips with as many appreciative kisses as he could get in.

It left you breathless and giggling like a goddamn schoolgirl with a crush. 


That's what you were. Ugh. How humiliting.

In the distance, you hear your brother talking to someone. On instinct you look over your shoulder, rage filling you up from what you'd seen after.

He was clutching to Adrienne having just forced the displeasure of his lips upon her in his drunken state.

Absolutely fucking not.

"I'll be back." You tell Eddie, nudging your way through the crowd. Adrienne slaps him so hard you hear it across the room. "I'm gonna kill you, Carver." She spits at him as he's walking away laughing.

Fine Line // Eddie Munson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now