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"Where do you want it?" Eddie asks, his head peeking around the side of the large cardboard box he was carrying. He had come over extra early today to help you move into the new place your dad had bought, no doubt feeling more relaxed with your mom and brother no longer around. It had been a little over a week since the decision was made for you and dad to move out and it was nice to finally be free of the tense air your old home had lingering around it. 

Your dad had found a house that was a little smaller than the last but only because it didn't need as many bedrooms. It was still lavish and far more than just the two of you needed but you weren't complaining about that. With pick of rooms, you'd chosen the largest - other than the master bedroom, of course. It was a blank canvas ready to be decorated however you pleased. 

There was a large bay window facing out to the stunning sun which was hanging low in the sky, barely awake on the horizon. The window seat looked cute but could no doubt do with some cushions and decor to really bring the room together.

You point to the doors of your walk-in closet and Eddie sets the box down as you're busy piecing together your bed. 

"Need a hand?" He asks, lips peeling into a grin as he watches you struggle. He had a white crew-neck on that was coated in a layer of dust and perspiration already. His black jeans were already torn and stained, the same jeans he wore when he was working on his van. His hair was held back with a fraying hair tie and his cheeks were flushed with exertion. 

"Maybe. It seemed pretty easy, but sadly I'm an idiot." You snort and he rolls his eyes as he sits cross-legged on the floor beside you. 

"You are not an idiot." He chides, plucking the screwdriver from your hands. "But hey, if I do this, could you grab some more boxes? Don't want to leave Tom to do it on his own, there's a ton of 'em."

"Tom?" You raise your brows at him, smiling. "Since when were you and my dad on a nickname basis? He hates when people call him that." 

He shrugs nonchalantly but there's an echo of amusement about him. "Not me, I guess." Grin turning smug, he flashes you a cheeky wink that makes your heart beat a little faster. He looked so at ease, so handsome. 

"Sure, I'll go help him." You say because your brains gone all fuzzy from how hot he is and you can't think of any witty retort to come back with. "Come on, Winston." You tell the mound of fur snoozing in the corner of the room. He yelps and scrambles to chase you, zig-zagging around your legs as you descend the stairs. Your dad was just bringing a box into the kitchen of some newly bought dishes and cookware. "Where's Ed?" He asks, frowning but his words only have you smiling more.



"He's finishing my bed. Well-- He's starting it. I couldn't quite hack the logistics of piecing furniture together." You tell him and he lets slip a hearty chuckle as he puts the box down on the counter. Then he comes over to you and drapes an arm over your shoulders, stood to your side as he looks out over the kitchen. 

"What d'you think?" He exhales heavily, prideful as his blue eyes settle contentedly over the house. You weren't sure if the happy behavior was genuine or just for your benefit. Still, you appease him anyway, mirroring his actions.

On the other side of the room were french doors leading out onto the back yard, the new and most welcome addition of a swimming pool glinting in the morning sun. There was a small table and chairs for informal meals - the dining room adjoining would be used for more formal settings with guests, not that you saw it happening any time soon. 

The counters were a white marble and the cabinets were painted a pale green shade. Kinda ugly. But still cute.

"I like it. It's nice, dad."

Fine Line // Eddie Munson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now