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"We're going to be late!" The words sounded weak to even your own ears as they spill from your lips. You were attempting to secure the buckled clasp of your heels as Eddie's hands explored your hips, settling at your waist to pull you back down into his lap.

You'd spent the night at his trailer and he was sat on his bed while you got yourself ready for graduation. Apparently he would be happy missing the entire thing, though.

"We have time." He argues, not giving in until you're settled on his lap, one hand supporting your back while the other draped across your thighs. His lips find your shoulder, not to tease but as if on reflex. Like he couldn't imagine you being so close without his lips being on you. "We're not exactly up first."

"Uhh, you aren't. Carver is pretty high in the alphabet, champ. I'll be one of the first up." Something that had your nerves going wild. Getting up on stage in front of everyone after the year you'd had sounded disastrous. But you managed to get the grades to graduate. Both of you had. It took a lot of work to get here so you'd be damned if you weren't getting up on that fucking stage and graduating properly.

Besides. Dad would be in the audience watching. He'd taken the day off of work and everything so you had to do him proud.

"Okay, good point." Another kiss, this time to your neck. His curls were scratchy against your skin but you don't complain. His proximity was far too lovely to have much of anything to complain about.  Your fingers run through them, a sweet smile on your lips that he mirrors as he gazes up at you. 

"Are you nervous?" You ask him and feel guilty at the twinge of his brow that has his jovial expression dropping.

He glances away from you but only briefly. He purses his lips and you think he might lie, but to your surprise he speaks his truth, his hand skirting along your thigh for comfort. "That-- And, uhh... I don't know." He sighs, the side of his face resting against your torso. "Wish my mom and dad could be there, you know? Feels like... Like they missed a lot of my life. Sucks that my folks have to miss this too."

"Well, your dad's up for parole soon, right?" You were trying to lighten the mood and make him feel better, but on the inside your heart ached for him. You wished he could have at least one of his parents there with him today. He nods against you, no words falling from lips he worried with his teeth. "Okay. So he'll be at the college graduation, which I know doesn't make it any easier right now... But in the meantime...-" And idea flits across your mind and you smile as you lean behind him to his nightstand.

Eddie was watching you with brows furrowed in curiosity, fixed to your every move as you pull a photo from the drawer. The one of his parents. He softens, noting your plan before you can even speak it.

"They can be with us in spirit." You press your lips to his cheek and he cracks a smile, fingertips taking hold of the photo and following it fondly with his eyes. 

"Sounds good." He tells you, a little sadder than you'd have liked, but progress nonetheless. "Alright. We're late as shit. Let's get going."


It was a beautiful day which had been expected. The weather report showed sun all week and you liked to think as much would reflect on your life - that it would remain in the sunny gooey lushness that it was currently in.

You were in line waiting to be called, your brother behind you in the line. You could feel his eyes on you but you don't concede, focusing straight ahead at the back of Jenna Burton's head. Her name is called. She goes up on stage. Your heart rate increases.

Fine Line // Eddie Munson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now