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The school bell rings. You don't care. You're too busy squeezing the goddamn life out of Brenda who was finally back at school after her few days out for what she'd told you was food poisoning when her cousin tried to make some dinner for the family a few nights prior. 

Knowing her cousin Jack's cooking... You had no doubts it was the truth. Either way you didn't care either, just glad to have her back so you didn't have to be such a goddamn loner.

She donned the same cheer uniform as yourself but undoubtedly looked like a supermodel in it. All long legs and porcelain skin and auburn curls that spiraled for days. "I'm so sorry, I didn't know you had all that going on! Why didn't you say anything when we talked on the phone?"

"Please, you were resting. You didn't need my drama." You shrug nonchalantly like it meant nothing, but really you were dying to tell her about it. To have her back. To not feel so solitary without her particular warm presence.

"You're coming to practice tonight though, right? We can have a sleepover after?" Her fingers interlace with your own as you head inside the school towards first period.

Gnawing at your lip, you suppress a smile. "I uhh.. Actually have a date with Eddie tonight." She stills, grinning and beaming with pride. "Nice. Well, in that case, since it's Friday, we can go to the mall tomorrow? Debrief?" 

"Sounds great. See you at lunch?" You sigh, waiting for her responding nod before entering the classroom she wasn't a part of. She goes off to find her own and despite her absence, you still felt a little better knowing she was around. 

It didn't help much though. She was sweet and supportive, but not exactly great backup when it came to the stares and muttered obscenities that came from people that used to be your friends.

Being on the other side of what you'd given was a horrible dose of karma that, sure, you probably deserved. But it was getting too much. You wished they'd just move on already so you could focus on your relationship and at least try to build some semblance of a life for yourself post-shame. 

Eddie is sweet during bio, hand set on the back of your chair as you learn about different types of cells within the body and their function. Dull stuff really, but you had to focus. Senior year wasn't something you planned on doing more than onc-- Twice. More than twice.


Brenda meets you after school to go to practice together and during the whole walk, your heart is racing with apprehension. The last time, they'd rescheduled so you didn't go and you hadn't really spoken to the squad since. You weren't even sure you were welcome, but since you still had the uniform and nothing had been made official, well.. Maybe whatever God's existed would take pity on you and at least let you have your spot as a cheerleader still.

"Oh... What are you doing here?" All hope is, as is your luck, shattered the moment you enter the gym hall. The head cheerleader, Jessica Mason, struts over to you in her Hawkins High cheerleader uniform that's obviously been re-hemmed to sit higher up her slender thighs than approved. Her hands are planted on her hips and lone, pale blonde hair is tossed over her shoulder as she gets closer. 

"I'm here for practice. Thanks for the heads up about moving it last time, by the way." You quip, though remind yourself to keep your tone light. You wanted to keep your spot on the squad, after all. It was all you had left. 

Her green eyes regard you coolly, narrowing into contemplative slits as the corner of glossy lips curl upward. "Seeing as you can't take a not-so-subtle hint..." She begins, stepping a few inches closer to you. You were taller than her and, though it wasn't by much, it made you feel a little more confident than you thought you would. But this wasn't the first time some jumped up little bitch tried to out-mean girl you. "You're off the squad."

Fine Line // Eddie Munson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now