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It was the day before prom. You only had to pick up your dress today and get a fresh manicure and pedicure to prepare. Obviously you had to look perfect which explained the green mud mask coating your face as you head downstairs for breakfas--- No, wait. You look at the clock. Lunch. It was time for lunch.

That is until you hear the music blaring in the garage. With a tight frown, you change trajectory and head towards the sound that absolutely could not be your dad's music. 

The door is slightly ajar, letting in not only the music but also a thin strip of bright sunlight. You press against it with a flat palm, pushing it further open to reveal your dad and Eddie huddled around the stereo, coated in thin streaks of grease. "Yeah, Sabbath isn't as bad as everyone makes out. You like this, right?" Eddie says to him. He wore a loose fitting black shirt with some illegible band name scrawled across it. Your dad was in a dark blue vest and had a thick black streak on his cheek. "Good morning. What- uhh..?" You trail off, pointing to the pair of them where they stood mid-laughter.

They pause and face you. Eddie's face brightens with a lovely grin. Your dads creases in confusion. "Did you fall into a muddy pit on your way out of bed this morning?" He asks, attempting to mask the amused tilt of his lips. You sneer at him though there's no malice behind it. 

"Well, I for one think you look gorgeous as ever." Eddie's smiles grows when he notices yours do the same at his compliment, hands wringing through a length of dirty cloth. "Cutest lil mud demon alive."

"I didn't think you were coming over today." You take a few steps closer, wanting to feel his comforting presence but not wanting to get oil all over your pretty pajama set by getting too close. "I was just heading out to the mall, you want to come?" 

"Sorry, honey. I've booked up his calendar today for working on the baby." Thomas preens, pointing at the freshly reconstructed sports car in the center of the room. "We only have a few parts to organize and I'd like to get it finished."

You roll your eyes but there's only humor to it, lips peeling back into a smile. Yes, you wanted Eddie to come with you, but realistically it would be boring for him. No, Brenda would join you. Maybe Adri if you gave her a call. Besides... Your dad looked like he was having fun hanging out with Eddie. And Eddie looked the same - that boyish grin lighting up his features in the most magnificent way. 

So, you'd let them have their fun. Not without making a show of it though.

With a heavy, exasperated sigh, you wave a flippant hand. "Fine, fine. You boys have your fun. Do you want anything from the mall?"

"Ice cream!" Eddie calls out, your dad chiming in before you can fully exit the room. "And beers!"

You smile to yourself, happy at how times had changed.


The deep purple shade decorating your fingernails glints in the light of your room as you run your hands over your hips, smoothing out the fabric of your gown as you glance into the mirror. Now that the time was here, Eddie downstairs waiting for you, you couldn't help but to criticize every detail of your outfit.

You had your hair up, decorated with small silver clasps and glittery sparkles that cast the light in the same way as your sparkling necklace and multiple rings. Your dress had a corseted, sleeveless top and fell into soft skirts - not too heavy thankfully. It felt soft like satin - because it was. Thomas had spared no expense to ensure you were happy after the year you'd had and you couldn't thank him enough for splurging on your dream dress.

You looked gorgeous. You knew it. But you couldn't help but to think maybe if you'd gone for the sequined gown, or a darker shade to match Eddie, or something bigger with more skirts...-- No. It was perfect. With this gown, you maintained the classy elegance you always tried to have. With your fashion sense at least.

Fine Line // Eddie Munson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now