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There wasn't much sleep to be had after your run in with the cocky little shit Eddie Munson. The sudden change in his attitude last night had thrown you off and made you feel like you had lost all the control which was just... unacceptable.

You couldn't wait to meet Brenda to go to Starcourt but, as expected with your luck, there was a problem. Amber was in her car when she came to pick you up. Not the end of the world since you honestly missed spending time outside of school with them both, but... There was no way you could admit what had happened to her. You were nervous about talking to Brenda about it, let alone the biggest blabber mouth of Hawkins High.

So you kept it quiet and traipsed around the mall, going from one luxury store to the other and delving into some exquisite retail therapy.

Right now you were huddled in a salon while your nails are just finishing up being coated in a layer of lacquer that matches the bubblegum pink argyle print tennis dress you were wearing. What? It was new. And trendy. It only made sense to make it match and after being imprisoned for so long, you deserved it.

Brenda was lounging on the waiting couch after having her pedicure done and Amber was sat beside her gossiping about Stacey Miller's awful new dye job. And she wasn't wrong. It really was awful.

When you're done, you pay and pick up your wealth of shopping bags once more, feeling relieved and content now that you'd treated yourself to some lovely and shiny new things.

Ahh, if only it could last.

As you leave the salon, you collide with a solid, leather-clad wall that took shape of your nemesis. You yelp and half push him away as you step back. "Watch it!" You snap at him, watching as his features shift from the elation he'd had laughing with his two friends, one his age and one much younger, to disgruntled irritation. "Aw, I smudge a nail? Cryin' shame." He mocks, rolling his eyes and not bothering to offer up any more morsels of attention before he carries on walking. 

You scowl after him, disappointment blooming in your chest in a bitter reaction. 

"Loser." Amber snorts, but you're far too focused on the fact you were annoyed he didn't stick around instead of being annoyed he was in the same building of you.

This was getting out of hand. You put it down to the fact you had gone so long without male attention -- Well, male attention that you wanted. A pretty boy fawning over you would break you out of whatever spell Eddie had begun to work. 

Lips twist in thought as you look around the mall. Surely there had to be someone here worthy of your time. And then it hits. That beautiful, stunning lightbulb in your mind strikes a light that burns wilder than ever before.

"Ladies. How about I treat us to some ice cream?" You suggest, thick lashes fanning upward to the glaring neon sign reading 'Scoops Ahoy!'

He's behind the counter as you enter, a tight line settled on his mouth and brows twinged together as he serves two cups of strawberry to some kids. It was busy inside and there was a small line, his colleague - Robin Buckley, your old lab partner - was scooping while Steve served the customers until the line was almost cleared. 

"Harrington, baby. Is that you?" You were plastering your winning smile on your lips as you reach the counter. Though you had been seniors at the same time last year, you only knew one another in passing or at parties. You made out a couple of times while drunk and always maintained a flirtatious banter, but other than that nothing had really happened. He was always so stuck on preppy princess Nancy Wheeler. You never understood why. He was way out of her league.

His expression brightens almost instantly, his entire demeanor changing as he leans on the counter and reflexively reaches up to swipe the sailor hat from his head. "Carver. What brings you here, beautiful?"

Fine Line // Eddie Munson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now