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(A/N : Hey besties. This chapter features an interaction with an OC from hargrovesswifee 's book "Love Game" which I am OBSESSED with. Highly recommend if you're into Billy and I fell in love with Adrienne so I stole her for a cameo in this book.

Just adding this note in to solve any confusion when she shows up.. Hope you enjoy this chapter, love you <3 )


The drawn features glare back at you from the mirror sitting atop your vanity table. Sad eyes were accusatory, regretful, still slightly tinged a pale red from long-shed tears. You'd hardly slept and it showed, making you even more resentful of yourself than normal.

Makeup was littering the top of the table and you delve into each product, applying it expertly to your features to skillfully mask over any signs of heartbreak.

Looking like shit wouldn't make you feel any better. Hiding in your bed, however much you wanted to, wouldn't solve your problems. You'd dug your own grave and had no other option than to complete the task by lying in it.

Brenda was brushing through your hair, helping you style it in just the way you liked while you work on your face. By the end, even you are impressed by how well you'd hidden every trace of negative emotion. Looking like your usual self, you dress in a cute tan sweater and blue jeans; something comfortable for a day of shopping with neutral tones to fit the mood of fall.

Your best friend was still maintaining her outfits of summer, not quite ready to let it go just yet. Brenda was wearing a pale yellow pinafore dress with a white v-neck short sleeve beneath it and matching yellow pumps. Her auburn hair fell in styled yet voluminous tight curls around her fae-like features. She was so beautiful without even having to try - ugh.

She had turned up earlier than you'd agreed and you knew it was because she was worried about you. You'd felt better upon her arrival, you admit. She offered a support that was unspoken yet obvious in how she acted and very much appreciated by yourself.

Since Brenda knew you wouldn't want to, she offers to drive you both to the mall and does so while playing your favorite music in an effort to cheer you up. She sings along quietly, hoping you'll join in, though for the most part you just watch her do so with a vacant smile.

There was a knot in your chest that worried in case Eddie might be at the mall today. You needed some retail therapy to get your head together, but that would be impossible with him around. Your mind drifts, a curiosity to how he was doing blooming right at the back of your mind. Was he upset? Had he moved on already? How would things be when you returned to school on Monday?

God, school. You groan internally and that knot tightens. You were dreading it.

Nothing a new pair of wildly expensive shoes wouldn't fix, you figure. Delusional as ever. Still, it at least helps to distract you and before you know it you're three clothing store bags heavier and your dads credit card is... Well, the same weight, but a dent had been made.

"How are you feeling?" Brenda asks, voice tentative like she wasn't sure even herself how you might respond. She'd never seen you like this; and she'd seen every one of your breakups. You cried, you breathed a sigh of relief, but you were never this.. quiet. Contemplative. The lack of emotion you were exhibiting ever since she'd arrived at your house this morning was growing increasingly concerning.

"I'm fine." Tone clipped, wanting to change the topic immediately. "Where shall we go next?" You ask as you set your bags down momentarily on the large water fountain in the middle of the mall.

Fine Line // Eddie Munson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now