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The slip road just before the trailer park was perfect, providing enough shelter under the shroud of darkness to change your clothes. Granted, it was difficult trying to strip and change in the backseat - you really should have gone for a jeep instead of the expensive sports car when your dad asked you what you wanted when you passed your test.

Oh well.

You successfully change into the matching lingerie set; red satin beneath black lace. The bra matched the panties and a garter belt was clipped around your waist, extending to hold up the dark stockings your wore as well. 

A black strappy mini dress covers it and you hide the ensemble strategically beneath a large beige trench coat. God, you were such a cliche. But it would be worth it. 

A quick check in the mirror that your hair and makeup was in place, a fresh top-up of burgundy lipstick coating your lips - and you're ready to spring your surprise on the object of your affections. There were no street lamps in the trailer park, just outdoor lights attached to the trailers themselves to guide people through the meandering lanes.

Eddie's is at the back, right against the treeline. There's a single light on inside, muffled by the moth-eaten curtains hanging over the windows.

You really, really hoped he was telling the truth about his uncle not being home. 

Nerves were beginning to encompass your excitement. You sat at the steering wheel, glancing up at the trailer and letting out a shaky breath, occasionally checking your reflection in the small rearview mirror to make sure it hadn't somehow messed up in the last few minutes while you sat there doing literally nothing. 

Reaching into your bag, you pull out the small bottle of perfume and spritz yourself. Then you exhale sharply. "You got this, girl." You coax yourself, pushing open the car door before you can change your mind. 

Knuckles rap on the door.

"Who is it?" You hear his voice come gruffly, annoyed. You don't answer. If he wanted to know that, he could come and find out for himself. 

He does, following your unspoken command as he swings the door open. Irritation makes way for pleased surprise as he takes in the visage of his unexpected guest, features settling into a mask of flirtatious joy. "Well. To what do I owe the infinite pleasure?" He shamelessly checks you out, warm hues skirting slowly down over you, eating up every morsel of your covered body. 

He himself had his hair down to hang low, curling against his cheeks. A self-torn Van Halen '84 tour shirt was hanging from his shoulders, the sleeves missing and removed himself likely long ago. His thick biceps stuck out of either side and he lifts one to rest his elbow against the frame of the door, leaning down ever so slightly so his face hovered inches from your own. 

"Planning on letting me in?" Your voice was saccharine sweet, dripping with a sultry glaze that ensnares him immediately. His smirk turns borderline devious, fingers flexing just once before he steps back and splays his arms out to indicate you were welcome to enter.

Eddie leans back against the wall before you, fixed to your every move as you both shut and lock the door behind you. "You said you were with Brenda tonight." He notes playfully. He already knows it's a lie because you're here. Doesn't mean he doesn't want to hear you say it. A feigned gasp as he steps closer, one hand over his heart as the other tips up your chin. "Baby, did you lie to me? Tsk. That wasn't very nice."

"I'm about to do a lot more not very nice things to you." You cock a brow, pushing up on your toes to run your tongue over his lips. He chases as you pull back before he can kiss you, a petulant grumble in his throat at your outwitting maneuver. "But I promise you'll enjoy every single one of them."

Fine Line // Eddie Munson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now