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Hypothermia? No, that was too much. Food poisoning? A good option. Ooh - perhaps something a little different, like stomach ulcers or a broken foot. Nope. Just as extreme as hypothermia. 

The alarm clock beside your head rings. Without moving your head from the pillows it was laid upon, you lift the trilling object and launch it across the room. It thuds against the floor and ceases its infernal racket. For now, at least. 

There was nothing to be done. You couldn't think of a plan on how to get out of school, wishing Brenda had given you her flu. God. Calls herself your bestie and can't even spread her illness so you could get out of school too. Rude. 

You were kidding of course, but it did nothing to salve the burning sensation clouding your heart in a ripple of anxiety. You hadn't seen or spoke to Eddie since Friday when you'd ended things.

Maybe he was in bed right now, grumbling and hungover, thinking about what he'd have to say to get out of school as well. Maybe he'd succeed and you'd be lucky enough to not run into him for at least today. But that was no real solution, it was just putting off the inevitable for one more day.

A sigh, heavy and sad as you clamber from the warm depths of your covers and make your way over to your vanity table.

Brenda was at least kind enough to offer to drive today, and you were grateful for the opportunity to not have to do so yourself. When you're good and ready, wearing a simple baby blue dress with some flat pumps that matched and a button-up sweater a few shades darker, she honks the horn to let you know she was outside.

Right on time, according to the clock you'd retrieved from where you so thoughtlessly threw it.

"Bye, dad!" You call out to him as you pass the kitchen where he was rushing around trying to get his tie to sit right.

"Have a good day at school, honey." He says, following up with a quick. "Oh, and be home right after school! We need to talk about something."


Great. With the lack of any further information, you were left to sit with the trepidation all day of what he had to discuss with you. You'd spend all day mulling over everything you'd done lately for what could possibly be wrong now. 

Thanks a lot, dad.

It seemed your luck wasn't due to get any better either, because as soon as you step outside, you freeze in your tracks. Brenda offers an apologetic smile as she watches your eyes dart from her to the occupant of her car that was getting out to move to the back seat. Amber.

She lingers outside the car, smiling across at you as she waits for you to approach.

You take a few tentative steps closer, scowling at the girl and narrowing your eyes in a curious yet guarded manner. "Hey..." She begins, teeth sinking into her lower lip. "I know I'm not exactly your favorite person right now.."

"At least you're self aware." You fold your arms over your chest and jut your chin out, feigning dominance over the situation in your perfectly choreographed 'mean girl' persona. God, you missed it. "What do you want, Amber?"

"To apologise." She replies almost too quickly, your own words barely lingering in the air before hers come in to wipe them out. She was so much smaller than you that when she gave you those big doe eyes and hesitant smile, she looked like a frightened little girl. "I broke up with Larry."

"I'd say condolences, but I really don't give a shit."

"You're mad. I know that. Just hear me out..." She sighs and you reluctantly lower your arms to your sides, giving her a quick little nod to assure her she could continue. "I wanted so bad to impress him and he was always so proud of me when I was mean to Eddie, who he hated, and, well.. To you for dating him. I know we're not as close as you are with Brenda, but I should never have treated you like that."

Fine Line // Eddie Munson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now