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"Look what I got.." Amber had finally arrived to Brenda's for your little get-together before the party at a local bar. Costume, of course. Brenda was going as Madonna from the "Like a Virgin" video and looked incredible in her raunchy faux wedding dress that was inches shorter than the original and heavy makeup highlighting her devastatingly beautiful features. 

Amber had, in true fashion for her, chosen the tightest, pinkest costume in the form of the pink Power Ranger; without the helmet of course. Why hide her best asset, after all? Her hair flows like thick caramel over her shoulders and she kept pushing it out of her face and the sparkling gloss it was landing in continually.

Yourself, after forgetting entirely about the party altogether, had settled on a cop costume last minute that most definitely was not practical in the line of duty. But the dress was hot on you and the accessories absolutely helped. You looked good. A little like a hooker, but that's what halloween was for, right?

The only thing you'd been missing was a pair of silver handcuffs, which Amber was now extending to you after she'd convinced Larry to swipe a pair from his dad; the deputy at the Sheriff's office. 

To have a legitimate pair of cuffs was hilarious, and tied your whole outfit together as you poke them through the belt loop on your chunky leather costume utility belt. You put on your little cop hat and aviators and zip up the knee-high heeled boots Brenda was letting you borrow. A mismatch of costumes when normally you'd sync up and match, but it was fine. You all looked just as good in your own ways. 

Larry was designated driver and you make polite conversation since he was nice enough to pick you all up as well as being Amber's official boyfriend now. There was something about him you really didn't like, but since you had no hard evidence, you let the feeling drop for tonight. While he was working to keep in your good graces, of course.

The Hideout is teeming with people when you arrive, some even stood outside to get away from the stuffiness of the crowd indoors. Even from the outside you could hear the thrum of live music, heavy and wanton as people danced and cheered to it. 

The costumes interested you the most as you get inside, eyes raking cautiously over each and every one of them, taking in what people deigned to be suitable to an event like this. One guy was even dressed in full costume as a chicken. 

The feathers alone were a perishable thought.

"Jesus, there's more people here than I thought there would be!" Brenda shouts over the music into your ear, fingertips laced through your own as you guide her to the busy bar. Amber had hung back with Larry, who was aptly dressed as the red Power Ranger, and you figure from that point you wouldn't be seeing much of her. 

There's two guys at the bar on stools that look entirely appetizing considering the heights of your heels. You crack your neck. Time to work some magic already and steal their chairs.

They look up as the two of you approach, your small smile leaning more towards being salacious than demure. They eat it up. Naturally. "Mind if we get to the bar?" You ask, leaning close to the cuter one of the two. He was all brown eyes and dark hair, skin a deep mocha. He was dressed as an astronaut and sets a hand on your waist absently as you get close to him. 

"Sure. We were just heading out, you can have our seats." He nods and half-shouts over the music into your ear. He turns briefly to pick up a napkin and you can't see much of what he does from there but it looked like he was writing something on it.

"Are you sure?" You offer sweetly as a courtesy, ass already impatiently waiting to sit down in his seat before he's even out of it. 

"I have a condition." A cheeky smile that makes your stomach flutter. Okay, he was really handsome when he smiled like that. And charming. He leans in again, tucking the napkin with a long number on into your hand. "You gotta call me some time, beautiful."

Fine Line // Eddie Munson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now