Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 Novice Quiz

    Even though everyone didn't want to see Tan Yuan, if he also turned into a monster, the situation of the remaining players would be even more dangerous.

    At the critical moment, Jiang Qing'an touched his wrist. He was fast, and with the sleeves covering him, he couldn't see what was on his wrist.

    The next moment, a card as transparent as glass suddenly appeared in Jiang Qingan's palm.

    The card exudes a faint fluorescence, and there are closely connected white lines on it, like some kind of precision-designed props.

    At the same time, Fang Yi stopped as if the pause button had been pressed. But if you look carefully, you can find that her body is shaking slightly, as if she is afraid of something.

    And the monster that attacked Fang Yi just now didn't even move.

    The rules say: [They were born in the dark and imprisoned here, and the bright room makes them go crazy and want to destroy everything. ]

    Then, the reason for the monsters to go crazy should be "light" without accident. They are afraid of light, afraid of light, so they are manic.

    This item card is an item he obtained when he cleared the level before, and it can emit a substance similar to sunlight. In the previous games, it had a very good restraint effect on ghosts, and I think it will play a role this time.

    And Fang Yi's actions proved that Jiang Qing'an's guess was correct.

    Neither of them moved, Jiang Qing'an wanted to control the transparent card and stared at Fang Yi all the time, so the two sides fell into a stalemate.

    Tan Yuan, who escaped from death, found out that Fang Yi couldn't move, his eyes were fierce, and he raised his leg to kick Fang Yi.

    Jiang Qing'an manipulated the transparent card that restrains monsters with one hand, and grabbed Tan Yuan's collar with the other hand.

    "Think about the answer, don't do unnecessary things!"

    "Why don't you think about it?"

    Jiang Qing'an said with a cold face, no longer the gentleness just now. Tan Yuan's series of actions made him a little annoyed, and he said in a deep voice, "Then you will restrain the monster?"

    Tan Yuan didn't take it seriously, shrugged his shoulders, took a few steps back bullying the soft and fearful, and muttered in his mouth: "It's just a broken card, it's as difficult to use..." "Hey, do you two have a card?

    " What do you think?" Tan Yuan approached Feng Ci, patted him on the shoulder, and teased: "You are a big man who runs very fast!"

    Feng Ci said nothing, took a step to the side, raised his hand and patted himself clothes, as if there was something dirty on them.

    Tan Yuan, who had just been devastated in Jiang Qing'an, saw Feng Ci not only ignoring him, but also reacting like this, and his face couldn't hold back his anger. He cursed angrily, and slapped Feng Ci's face with his backhand.

    "Tan Yuan!" Jiang Qing'an noticed the situation here from the corner of his eye, and immediately shouted.

    I saw Tan Yuan's dropped hand stopped in mid-air, unable to move any more. His forearm was restrained by a white and slender hand with well-defined knuckles.

    Tan Yuan exerted all his strength, but couldn't move, his face was flushed, and he looked at Feng Ci in disbelief.

    Feng Ci's cold voice sounded slowly:

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