Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 Small Classroom

    The boy's face was pale, his eyes were drooping, and he didn't dare to look at Mr. Chen. But he never thought that when he looked down, he happened to see Mr. Chen's hand clearly.

    There are countless wounds on the hands, and even the nails are broken, mixed in the flesh.

    Teacher Xiao Chen raised his hand slowly, as if deliberately slowing down, so that the boy could see all the movements clearly.

    She put her bloody hand on the boy's forehead, and said in surprise: "Why are you sweating so much? Is it too hot in the classroom? Are you feeling uncomfortable?" The boy froze, his eyes fixed on him

    . The bloodstains left on his desktop made him speechless.

    "Don't be afraid, you have to say it when you feel uncomfortable, otherwise how will the teacher know?"

    "I, I'm fine, thank you teacher..." The boy lowered his head, and it could be seen that he was trying hard to keep calm, but his body instinct Trembling, still betrayed his inner anxiety.

    Suddenly, Teacher Xiao Chen held the boy's face with both hands and forced him to look at her.

    With a smile on his face, Teacher Xiao Chen said softly, "Helping students is what a teacher should do. I will check it for you and it will be fine soon."

    Fear made people lose their minds, and the boy stood up suddenly and wanted to escape.

    "The teacher hates disobedient children."

    Everyone's nerves tensed for a moment!

    The boy's eyes widened, his mouth opened, and he wanted to shout, but all his voices were stuck in his throat and could not be uttered. Dazzling and dizzy, he couldn't see things clearly. In the last few seconds of his vision, he seemed to see his body standing in place.

    So where is he now?


    The air seemed to freeze, and no one spoke.

    The bright red blood splashed everywhere, like an exaggerated oil painting, adding strong colors to the classroom.

    The boy's head was torn off abruptly and thrown on the podium. He faced the people in the classroom, and the expression on his face was still terrified at the moment before death. There was still a trace of bewilderment in the boy's eyes, as if he didn't know why he died.

    There were many people with relatively strong psychological qualities present. It can be seen that some people died within ten minutes of the game, and everyone couldn't help frowning.

    Some of the timid ones realized what had happened with hindsight and screamed uncontrollably.

    Shouts resounded throughout the classroom, and some even got up and ran towards the door, slamming on the locked door.

    "Let me out! I don't play anymore, I want to quit the game!"

    "I came here because I heard that resources can be obtained in the game. The game guide never said that people will die here!"

    "Liar, let us out!"

    "Do you really think the resources are so easy to get? I don't know how they passed the novice test."

    Li Feibai looked around and found that most of the people sitting in the seats did not act, and only a few people Go try to escape from here.

    "Beauty, you have a good heart!"

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