Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 Small Classes

    Li Feibai recalled that he had read six picture books, and there were many repeated death methods on them, which should be used to improve the player's survival rate, so as not to make the game impossible to pass the level.

    From this point of view, the "gift" given by Mr. Chen was really "careful".

    Li Feibai looked down at the corpses on the ground, and according to his memory, he opened a picture book and compared them carefully.

    The stick figures are so scribbled that only the manner of death can be discerned.

    The game does not give a specific method to enrich the picture book.

    Drawing villains in detail, filling in colors, adding stories, etc., can be understood as "enriching" picture books.

    Li Feibai has never seen items like "pens" in the game, so he can only try to fill the color first.

    She squatted down//, and used the corner of the wallpaper knife to smear a little blood on the villain in the picture book.

    The Jianbi villain suddenly turned red all over, as if he was wearing a red dress, bloody and weird.

    There are snowflakes falling on the picture book, instantly turning into snow water and blending into bright colors.

    After waiting for a few seconds, Li Feibai was not discouraged when he saw that the picture book had not changed. He closed the picture book, stood up and left, and glanced casually at the ground.

    On the ground, some finely broken ice balls can be seen faintly.

    Not far away, Li Feibai suddenly stopped, turned around and looked behind him.

    There was a workshop two or three meters away from her, and there were heavy and dragging footsteps in it, it sounded like someone was purposely spinning around in the room.

    "La la la, he is looking at you!"

    "Building a snowman is children's favorite game, why don't you come out?"

    The eerie child's voice and the sound of metal grinding the ground are mixed together. It can be found that the thing that sings inside is the same as the thing that broadcasts the weather!

    Accompanied by heart-piercing screams, the sound of running footsteps suddenly sounded in the work room, and

    snowflakes fell on his face, bringing a little coolness. Even through a door, Li Feibai could feel the panic coming from the room.

    She heard someone knocking on the door non-stop, with the viciousness of a dying struggle, the door was violently shaken.

    Isn't it safe to hide in the room now?

    Adding ghosts to the game is also to add "fun"?

    The monster inside didn't seem to be planning to kill that person right away, but was playing around like a cat and a mouse.

    Before Li Feibai was debating whether to give a helping hand, a lot of blood seeped out from the gap under the door.

    The blood flowed very fast, and soon melted into the snow on the ground, turning pale pink.

    The screams in the room did not stop, and the monster's atrocities continued.

    Judging by the amount of bleeding, even if Li Feibai rushed in now, that person might not be saved.

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