Chapter 69

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Chapter 69 Green Apple

    The expression on the little girl's face was a little stiff, her black and white eyes stared straight at Li Feibai.

    She was wearing a red princess dress and a pair of small leather shoes on her feet. Her long and thick eyelashes seemed to be carefully woven. At first glance, she looked like a delicate and beautiful doll.

    At first glance, it looks like a child raised by a rich family, but he is not the same person as "Jia Jia".

    Li Feibai usually doesn't take the initiative to talk to people.

    But now, she doesn't speak, how will this little girl develop the plot?

    After a moment of silence, Li Feibai lowered his eyes and said softly: "He stole my apple..." The

    little girl looked at her from head to toe, but she didn't see any sign of a victim in this person, but she still cared He asked: "Then were you injured?"

    Li Feibai shook his head, "No, thank you."

    "You are too much!" The little girl looked at Li Dakui angrily.

    After being kicked, Li Dakui was lying on the ground with shoe prints on his clothes: "..."

    The little girl blinked and ran to Li Feibai to hold her arm, "Let's go, Don't stay here anymore."

    "Where are you going?" Li Feibai asked.

    The little girl bit her lip, "Did you forget our agreement?"

    To be honest, if the little girl didn't come, Li Feibai didn't even know that there was such a role as her.

    The two looked at each other, Li Feibai bowed his head in silence, while the little girl raised her neck and said, "I agreed that you would come to my house to play with me, but I didn't see you all day yesterday, which made me wait for a long time, come today Looking for you, I found that you are selling apples here." He is a very dedicated npc.

    "Why do you still sell apples? Didn't Dad give you any money?" The little girl asked suspiciously.

    "No." Li Feibai replied truthfully.

    "Your Excellency really doesn't count..." the little girl muttered, then raised her smiling face, hugged Li Feibai's arm and pulled her forward.

    "Forget it, you go with me first."

    Li Feibai didn't know what the consequences would be if he refused the little girl, so he could only comfort her by taking the apple home first, and then walking with her.

    The little girl agreed with a smile, a very talkative look.

    When Li Feibai followed the little girl, he suddenly found that this road was very familiar.

    The two-story villa surrounded by iron railings, the garden, the pool, the dark brown traces on the concrete floor of the gate...

    This is where Li Feibai "worked" yesterday.

    There was only the bodyguard man standing guard at the door. He had a serious expression and did not dare to relax in the slightest, his body was tense.

    When he saw Li Feibai holding hands with the little girl, his expression changed suddenly, but he quickly covered it up again, Shen Sheng greeted the little girl hello.

    "Miss, why didn't you ask me to accompany you when you went out? It's dangerous to be alone."

    The bodyguard obviously understood his responsibilities. If his hand to open the door didn't shake, Li Feibai would almost believe that he was a serious and responsible bodyguard. .

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