Chapter 65

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Chapter 65 Green Apple

    Half of the appraiser's face was red and swollen. When she heard Feng Ci's words, she couldn't help but flinch, but she didn't refute, but kept apologizing to the woman.

    Later, the woman waved her hand to say forget it, and she escaped unharmed.

    The appraiser followed the instructions, suppressed her nausea, took a "meal" and sent it to the owner of the villa, and took the room key from Feng Ci before leaving.

    The woman gave a few more words of advice and then left.

    "This game is really exciting!" The man with the scar seemed to be happy to hear it, watching the woman's back, and complained.

    In the game, the higher the death rate, the more difficult the game is and the more points you will get.

    "Be careful, don't die." The inch-cut man laughed out loud, not sure if he was mocking him or reminding him.

    He flipped the bowl twice with chopsticks, and a few maggots were pushed onto the table, wriggling non-stop.

    The scarred man glanced at him in disgust, but finally said nothing, but looked towards Feng Ci.

    This npc was not competent, and after the woman left, he started to be in a daze.

    The man with the scar was very dissatisfied with Feng Ci's dereliction of duty, but because of his importance in the game, he had no choice but to ask in a low voice: "Housekeeper, I want to ask, where is the piano? What time does the master want to listen to music? "

    Feng Ci rested his chin on his hand, didn't know what he was thinking, and without raising his head, when he heard the man with the scar ask, he didn't hide it, and told him directly.

    By the way, the class time of the inch-headed male tutor is included.

    The man with the scar and the man with the inch head looked at each other, feeling a little distrustful of Feng Ci's words.

    "Hey, don't you ask yourself what to do?" the cropped man suddenly turned around and asked Li Feibai.

    "Don't ask."

    Li Feibai was still thinking about the game, and when he heard what the cropped man said, he subconsciously replied.

    Anyway, Feng Ci will definitely abuse his power and let her do this and that.

    She didn't listen carefully to what the crop-headed man and the scarred man said afterwards.

    After thinking for a while, Li Feibai stood up and was about to go back to the room to have a look. She spread her hands in front of Feng Ci, and said two words without any emotion, "Key."

    Feng Ci seemed to have just recovered, and pulled the corner of his mouth, Said: "You don't have a key."

    As soon as the words came out, the scarred man and the cropped man looked over instantly.

    Li Feibai's outstretched hand trembled slightly, resisting the urge to slap Feng Ci to death, and asked in a cold voice, "Why?"

    Feng Ci finally raised his head and did not take it back to Li Feibai When he was holding his hand, he lightly pinched Li Feibai's fingertips subtly and unclearly.

    Under the gaze of those black pupils, Li Feibai felt a chill in his heart.

    Fortunately, she already knew who Feng Ci was, and she was still sensible at this time, and she pulled her hand back calmly.

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