Chapter 48

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Chapter 48 Who Is My Groom

    His head twisted wildly, more and more blood was pouring on his face, staining the side of the photo frame, Li Feibai casually threw a water polo on his head with some disgust.

    The head was immediately wet, and the blood was washed away by the water.

    It doesn't breathe like a human, so the water won't make him choke or "die" again.

    Li Feibai was also a little helpless. Her supernatural ability seemed to have little effect on the dead ghosts.

    She had no choice but to raise the ghost's head and smash it against the wall, and said coldly: "Don't move." The

    dull sound stunned everyone in the room.

    The man in pink who had been paying attention to Li Feibai's actions showed a surprised expression on his face. He blinked and couldn't help covering his mouth and laughing.

    Just now, with more strength, I'm afraid it could have smashed the bones of the ghost's head.

    Where did this genius come from.

    Li Feibai looked down at the photo frame in his hand. In the photo, Alian's body was covered in blood, but the corner of his mouth was raised up strangely.

    Li Feibai remembered that in the photo just now, Alian was not smiling.

    So, those eyes looking at the player are Alian?

    She was somewhere watching everyone all the time.

    Suddenly, an ethereal female voice sounded.

    "How do you see things?"

    The voice was very close, as if someone was clinging to Li Feibai's back and whispering in her ear.

    Again, that feeling of not being able to control your body.

    Li Feibai couldn't see the "person" who suddenly appeared behind him, and couldn't turn around.

    But she could smell a strong rust-like smell, and in that bloody smell, there was a faint scent of sandalwood.

    Where does the fragrance come from in this room?

    "Why don't you talk? Do you also hate A-Lian?" The "person" who called himself A-Lian had a gentle voice, and his voice was nice, with a girlish feeling.

    "I don't hate it." Li Feibai said calmly.

    "I don't hate you either. You have a smell that I like. How should I put it... It feels like you are my kind." "...

    " Li Feibai didn't answer.

    It feels a little weird to be called the same kind by something who doesn't know if it's a ghost or a monster.

    "Are you staying with A-Lian?"

    As soon as Li Feibai said this, he felt a pair of hands stretched forward from behind, and those hands were lightly placed on Li Feibai's shoulders, as if to encircle her neck. .

    "Why didn't you go out with me?" Li Feibai didn't directly confront A-Lian, but asked back.

    There was a silver bell-like laughter in his ears, and Alian raised a hand to caress Li Feibai's eyes.

    His vision was instantly plunged into darkness, the surroundings were surprisingly quiet, no one spoke, and Li Feibai could only hear his own gentle breathing.

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