Chapter 101 - 110

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Chapter 101 School of Chaos, NPCs Behaving Abnormally

    After opening the door, Li Feibai looked up again, only to find that the human head was gone.

    There is no one else here, Li Feibai, whose vision is blocked, secretly uses the power of black lines to gather in the eyes, and the environment in front of him is suddenly clear.

    What caught my eye was the fairly tidy women's restroom.

    So, why is her bathroom so dirty?

    Li Feibai looked down at the heavy trash can, and then he saw clearly that the tissues inside were all limp and stuck together, and they were full of water.

    It is normal to have water in the bathroom, but it is obviously not normal to have so much water in the trash can.

    The stains on the floor were also suspicious.

    Li Feibai silently recorded these strange places before leaving the bathroom and going out.

    There was no one in the empty corridor, only Li Feibai made a "da da da" sound when he stepped on the ground.

    After taking a few steps, Li Feibai suddenly felt something was wrong, stopped, and took a few steps back.

    "Da da da——"

    The sound of footsteps is normal, except for some echoes, there seems to be nothing wrong.

    Li Feibai looked around.

    This is a school, presumably it was getting late, there was no one on the campus, and even the classrooms were locked.

    Li Feibai looked out the window in the corridor again. The night wind blows the leaves, making the campus shrouded in darkness even more eerie.

    It seems like there is nothing, and it seems that there is everything.

    Suddenly, there was the sound of heavy footsteps running from far to near.

    "Thump, hum, hum..."

    "Grade 2 (7th) class! Li Feibai!"

    A middle-aged man with thinning hair but a friendly face ran over with a flashlight, and with that flashlight, he went straight to Li Feibai Go up.

    Under the light, Li Feibai's skin became even whiter, and she looked at the person with a blank expression.

    "Do you know how worried your parents are about you? What are you doing staying at school so late! Can you stop causing trouble for others and go back quickly..." The middle-aged

    man scolded Li Feibai with his head covered in face.

    "Teacher, she is locked in the bathroom and cannot get out..." A female voice suddenly sounded from the side.

    It was a girl in a short skirt. She opened the door and poked her head out cautiously, as if she was afraid of being reprimanded by the teacher. She spoke in a low voice and kept her head down.

    "And you, Ye Yuqin, why are you here?"

    "I overslept in the classroom. When I woke up, I found that the door was locked and my phone was dead..." With

    just one glance, Li Feibai knew This girl is lying.

    Not to mention whether the bell after class will wake up those who are asleep, the noises made by other students walking around will definitely not be small. Unless, she sleeps very well, plus no one calls her.

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