Chapter 24

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Chapter 24 Water Park

    Holding the short thorn in his left hand, Li Feibai stabbed fiercely in the direction of the monster.

    The thorn blade was inserted into the monster's tentacles, and then Li Feibai added more force, allowing the short thorns to sink deep into the handle.

    At this moment, there seemed to be endless strength in her body, driven and controlled by killing intent.

    Li Feibai's left arm was covered with criss-crossing black lines, and even the skin became as hard as iron. The monster's scales alone could no longer scratch her.

    On the other hand, it is the improvement of psychological quality.

    She became a little 'cold-blooded'.

    Without giving the monster time to shake the tentacles again, Li Feibai turned the short thorn without hesitation, cutting off a section of the tentacles abruptly.

    Blood splashed in the air instantly, and the huge tentacles fell into the water, splashing a large area of ​​water.

    The crimson blood stained Li Feibai's clothes, and even this small piece of water was smudged into light red.

    Li Feibai was panting uncontrollably, his long hair was messy and sticking to his face.


    Before Lin Ze could say anything, he saw that Li Feibai had already rushed into the water. Judging by his posture, he seemed to want to kill the monster completely before giving up.

    He quickly put away the machete and chased after him.

    Fortunately, Li Feibai's water skills are not very good. Even if he forcibly improves his body's various abilities, his swimming speed is still not particularly fast.

    Lin Ze quickly grabbed Li Feibai's life jacket and pushed him out of the water with force.

    "Are you crazy?"

    Li Feibai was floating on the water, his face was pale and bloodless, and he looked at Lin Ze expressionlessly.

    For some reason, Lin Ze felt a bad chill.

    Under Li Feibai's sight, he stammered: "The monster just now is very likely to be the cause of the tsunami. If you rush after it rashly, it's really...too dangerous..."

    As he spoke, Lin Ze raised his eyes to peek at Li Feibai from time to time.

    I don't know if it's an illusion, but he always feels that Li Feibai now is completely different from just now.

    "Let's go back first, that monster will most likely come back again." Li Feibai said nothing, his pupils showed a faint killing intent.

    It was as if the prey that was about to be caught had been let go. Apart from disappointing, there was also a feeling that could not be described.

    On Li Feibai's neck, the black line continued to spread, with a feeling of wanting to swallow people completely.

    Li Feibai impatiently raised his hand and rubbed his temple, the entire left arm was almost covered by black lines, it looked hideous and unattractive.

    She could feel the bones in her body being strangled as she got entangled in the tentacles.

    At this time, the body is supported by the black thread, and one can imagine how tragic the overloaded body will be if the black thread disappears.

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