Chapter 28

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Chapter 28 Water Park

    Lin Ze looks like a rough guy, but he is a careful person.

    He took off his clothes and folded them on the ground, using them as a pillow for Li Feibai.

    Then he stood beside Li Feibai with Jiang Qing'an, and the two of them chatted casually.

    The sky above the entire city was shrouded in a faint light, and the ten-meter-high city wall completely divided this area.

    This is a barren area that is not even as good as the bottom layer, and it has long been abandoned by humans. No one could escape beyond that high wall, and those who remained had no choice but to die.

    Occasionally, criminals are exiled to the barren area, or outlaws flee here.

    The dilapidated masonry buildings seemed to collapse at any moment, and the dust in the air was unbearable.

    Countless corpses were scattered on the rocky sand, and the calm faces were too numb, as if they had already anticipated their own death, and accepted it calmly.

    Li Feibai was lying beside the ruined wall, his consciousness gradually lost, and the dust under his body was soaked in blood and turned dark brown.

    Her eyes were out of focus, and she didn't know where she was looking. Only her eyelashes trembled occasionally, which proved that Li Feibai still had a trace of breath at this moment.

    "Da Da" has footsteps coming from far and near, leisurely and unhurried.

    In a daze, Li Feibai seemed to see a vague figure approaching him. The person was not in a hurry, walking and stopping like a walk in the desolate and barren sand.

    It was difficult to breathe, the flowing blood seemed to have stopped, Li Feibai couldn't even think, but instinctively stared at the only person walking towards him.

    He walked slowly as if he was looking at the scenery, and he just passed by here by chance.

    Although he knew that the chance of being rescued was slim, Li Feibai was still unwilling.

    The sand and stone pierced the palm and caused numb pain, maintaining a trace of clarity.

    Li Feibai wanted to hold on until the man came to his side.

    This is her only chance!

    But the body has reached the limit, the drowsiness swept over, eroding the only rationality, and slowly, Li Feibai closed his eyes.

    The clenched hand was loosened, and sand and stones slipped down silently, revealing the bloody palm.

    Countless fine grains of gravel adhered to the eversioned flesh, making the scalp numb to those who watched it.

    It would be a relief for her to die now.

    Li Feibai was lying on the ground, his breathing was negligibly weak, he didn't even have the strength to open his eyes, and he seemed to have lost consciousness.


    the soles of the shoes stepped on the sand and made a slight sound, and the man walked over Li Feibai's slightly horizontal arms without haste.

    The sound of footsteps knocked on my heart, and at the same time, my strong desire to survive broke out completely.

    Li Feibai, who was unconscious, raised his hand and grabbed the man's trousers.

    He didn't stop because of this little episode, the man swayed his legs indifferently and continued to walk forward, but paused slightly in the next second, disrupting his pace.

    With his eyes closed tightly, Li Feibai looked weak, and there was no good spot on his body.

    The clothes were completely soaked in blood, some bloodstains had dried up, while others were still oozing blood from wounds that could not heal.

    Bloody hands clenched the piece of fabric tightly. At this moment when life was hanging by a thread, he tried his best to grasp the last hope, bursting out with unimaginable strength.

    No one will care about the life and death of the lower-level humans, even they themselves have long been used to it, living in a corner and living day by day.

    Different from others, Li Feibai was obviously unwilling to accept death, but he was unable to contend with fate, so he could only silently resist with this hand.

    This is the most impotent struggle.

    It is also the most instinctive reaction.

    Her strong desire to survive seemed to have finally touched that person.

    "I have a way to save you, but it depends on you whether you can survive there..." "Will you

    die here, or wait for death in another place?

    " And panting violently.

    She raised her hand to wipe the sweat off her forehead, looked around, and met a pair of expectant eyes.

    Li Feibai: "?"

    "Sister Li, are you alright?"


    Seeing Lin Ze's worried expression, Li Feibai felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

    In fact, she is not in good health yet, thanks to the power, the injuries in her body have been relieved a lot.

    Li Feibai found this seemingly ordinary ability to be extremely useful!

    Healing, in this dangerous game, is too practical.

    In particular, the power can also repair damage caused by the black thread.

    It can be described as a blessing in disguise.

    Li Feibai sorted out his thoughts, turned his head and thanked Lin Ze.

    Lin Ze has injuries all over his body, but he can still guard her. He is a very good person.

    Lin Ze scratched his head in embarrassment, but he didn't take credit for it.

    "Jiang Qing'an has been here too, but he just said that you were about to wake up and was going to get you something, so he left." "I didn't expect you to

    wake up just after he left. It's amazing."

    Li Feibai nodded , indicating that I know.

    I'm afraid Jiang Qing'an is not a simple character, but so far, he hasn't done anything bad.

    In his heart, Li Feibai silently put Jiang Qing'an in the list of good friends.

    Suddenly, she remembered something and asked, "Where is Feng Ci?"

    "Run away when you lost control..."

    Hearing this, Li Feibai clenched his fists tightly.

    This treacherous, shameless, insidious and cunning wolf with a big tail can run faster than a rabbit when things happen!

    The author has something to say: Well, Li Mei is relatively quiet and steady, she rarely swears or swears.

    That's about all the negative adjectives she can think of.

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