Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 Small Classes

    As soon as the words fell, a strange child's voice sounded on the classroom broadcast, singing babbling.

    "Boom, boom, it's raining, go home quickly."

    "Kids, sit in a row, eat together, and have fun together."

    "Don't fight, don't grab, you eat legs, I eat hands. I won't be hungry, I won't It hurts, it’s more fun to exchange and play!”

    After singing the nursery rhyme, the volume of the child’s voice was raised in vain, screaming and shouting, “It’s raining!”

    Fine and continuous raindrops came from nowhere, and the players in the classroom quietly Waiting for instructions.

    Teacher Xiao Chen tilted his head, clasped his hands together and said with a smile, "Children can move around freely. The playground is the whole school, and everyone can play whatever they want. Remember to go back to the classroom for lunch at twelve o'clock!" The girl wearing glasses looked around

    . Looking around, he looked terrified, "Can we go out now?"

    The boy standing next to the girl with glasses shook his head slightly and said nothing.

    "Let's go first!" A boy who looked like the leader said something to a few people beside him, and then five people followed behind him.

    Presumably, they formed an alliance into a small group during the discussion just now.

    At this time, other players also reacted and walked out one after another.

    Li Feibai walked out of the classroom among the crowd.

    There are many closed doors in the corridor, and each door is marked with a house number. Every two meters or so there is a window that looks out to the playground.

    Li Feibai slowed down his pace and slowly fell behind the crowd, looked up at the door closest to him, and then pushed the door open to enter.

    [Utility room]

    The light inside is a little dark, and you can vaguely see a lot of sundries piled up, there are more than a dozen large and small boxes, and even the shelves are full of things.

    Walking into the utility room did not make Li Feibai very happy. Originally, she thought the game was for players to find some 'hideouts' to hide from the rain. Unexpectedly, even after entering the room, those raindrops were still falling.

    The place that was hit by the rain didn't respond at first, but after a long time, a burning sensation came from the skin.

    Li Feibai could only search for something that could keep out the rain in the utility room.

    After searching for a long time, Li Feibai found a cloak in the bottom box.

    The black cloak is large, and the material seems to be waterproof to the touch. It's a bit like a cloak that children use to prank and scare people, and there is a ghost-faced Rakshasa mask next to it.

    This cloak is enough to cover Li Feibai's whole body. Similarly, the cloak is also very conspicuous.

    After hesitating for a few seconds, Li Feibai still put the cloak on his body to cover his exposed skin.

    Just when Li Feibai was about to go out to look for clues in other places, he suddenly heard voices coming from outside the door.

    "When I first left the classroom, I saw her wandering around, and she probably didn't go very far." "

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