Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 Small Classes

    Some people can't resist the fear in their hearts and haven't recovered until now, and there are also smart people who are looking at the podium and ready to go.

    Teacher Xiao Chen's hint is too obvious.

    A picture book is a must!

    The players stared fixedly at Teacher Xiao Chen, watching her slowly, step by step, walk back to the podium.

    Teacher Xiao Chen nodded to Feng Ci standing beside the podium.

    "Student, you can go back, how tired you are standing all the time!"

    Feng Ci didn't speak, and went back to his seat silently and sat down.

    Li Feibai couldn't help but look at Feng Ci a few more times.

    I don't know how many death conditions there are in the game, so it's always right to be cautious.

    Some of the players on the field obviously knew each other. Lan Gezi seems to be a person, and the binding in his mouth should mean forming an alliance.

    Thinking of this, Li Feibai has a little more understanding of this game.

    As for forming an alliance, Li Feibai doesn't quite agree with the idea that one more person has a better chance of winning.

    If you are lucky, it is good to meet reliable teammates, but if you are not lucky. Compared to being dragged down by pig teammates, such as Lan Ge, Li Feibai felt that it was better to act alone.

    "Okay, everyone can come up to receive gifts now!" Teacher Xiao Chen patted the podium and looked at the people below with a smile.

    As soon as the voice fell, a person rushed to the podium in an instant.

    It could be seen that he was very nervous and almost fell down while running.

    Not to be outdone, the others rushed over one after another, and the players piled up in front of the podium, pushing each other.

    There are a total of seven picture books, two of which have been divided, leaving only five picture books.

    And there are 21 people without picture books!

    With a one-fifth probability, whoever can grab the picture book depends on their ability.

    Looking at Mr. Chen's almost weird smile, Li Feibai felt a bad premonition in his heart.

    These people broke the rules!

    Sure enough, in the next second, a person in the crowd exploded under the watchful eyes of everyone.

    The turbid dark red blood was mixed with minced meat, like minced meat sauce, splashing in all directions, and no one standing around was spared.

    The scene was too bloody and frightening, and the people beside the podium were scared away instantly, but the sound of the human body exploding was still heard continuously.

    In less than a minute, the ground was covered with minced meat mixed with white bone residues. It can be said that the body was smashed to pieces without leaving a whole body.

    Li Feibai took a cursory glance, and found that those who died were the most ruthless ones who fought and pushed people just now.

    The one who died first, he even pushed several girls down and injured them.

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