Chapter 44

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Chapter 44 Who Is My Groom

    A black curtain fell against the wall, revealing the darkened window behind.

    The flame of the candle seemed to be a little dimmer than before. When looking at it from Li Feibai's direction, the window was dark, as if it would swallow people in the next second.

    "Hey, don't move around at this time!" The tall man warned Li Feibai in a low voice.

    Li Feibai stared down at the black cloth on the ground for a few seconds as if he didn't hear it.

    Then he pointed to the window.

    "That, does it mean to let us in?" It's not surprising that Li Feibai would think so. In the whole room, except for the door that came in, there is only such a window leading to other places.

    But no matter what, in this situation, who would dare to take the lead and be the first to enter?

    The crying in the ear was vague, sometimes low and soft, and sometimes the sound became very sharp.

    The innocent girl was about to cry in fright, and she tightly grabbed the short-haired girl next to her.

    Sister Yu is not that scared, but she has been told by many times of experience that now is not the time to act rashly.

    What's the matter with this woman?

    Are you afraid of death at all?

    Thinking of this, Sister Yu couldn't help but look at Li Feibai twice more.

    I saw that Li Feibai walked towards the window alone after realizing that no one was moving.

    The closer he was to the window, the louder the crying sound, Li Feibai suddenly raised his hand and knocked on the wall next to the window.

    The sound is empty, not the kind of particularly thick solid wall, it sounds hollow.

    There was a faint cold wind blowing in along the window.

    The cold breath is enough to make the hairs of a normal person stand up all over.

    The few people not far away were staring at the window nervously, as if a 'bride' would crawl out from there in the next moment, and then swallow the unknown Li Feibai alive.

    Li Feibai bent down to pick up the black cloth, and covered it on the window.

    The crying stopped.

    Li Feibai froze for a second, then withdrew his hand holding the black cloth.

    The crying sounded again.

    This time, Li Feibai did not cover the black cloth immediately.

    Above the window, there are no nails to fix the black curtain to hang on.

    How did the black curtain hang up before that?

    In any case, since the black curtain can no longer block the window, it can only be left alone.

    Li Feibai took the black cloth and walked towards the crowd.

    Everyone has different expressions on their faces, even the calm-looking man in the windbreaker and the straight-faced burly man have subtle expressions.

    "You, what are you doing?" The tall man took a step back, his eyes fixed on the cloth in Li Feibai's hand.

    Li Feibai saw the face of a middle-aged man who was black and blue, his eyes without black pupils were staring straight ahead.

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