Chapter 62

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Chapter 62 Green Apple

    Next, Li Feibai played the role of a well-behaved and quiet girl, walking behind the woman.

    Through the conversation, Li Feibai learned that this woman is "Jiajia"'s aunt, who is about fifty years old.

    The aunt and nephew are so different in age, presumably it should be "Jia Jia"'s father is the younger one in the family, the older generation often has a lot of children, and in the end they can't afford to eat at all, so they give away to others. Starve to death.

    These things are not uncommon in low-level urban areas, so Li Feibai didn't pay much attention to this older aunt.

    However, this so-called aunt.

    Even with a lot of makeup, it can't cover the wrinkles on her face and the ugliness in her heart.

    "Jiajia" is at most ten years old. She lives alone in a desolate forest shabby house. She goes out to sell apples during the day, and after they are sold out, she has to go to the rich area in the afternoon to do cleaning for others. live.

    The road after being soaked by rain is difficult to walk, it is full of mud, weeds are overgrown on both sides of the road, some are half a meter high, even through a layer of pants, I feel a little tingling and itchy.

    I don't know what it was like when "Jia Jia" walked this road before.

    Thinking of this, Li Feibai couldn't help rubbing his temples.

    What's wrong with her?

    I have always been concerned about the fictional characters in the game...

    On the way, Li Feibai met the uncle who sent him back, and he greeted the two with a smile.

    "Jiajia, are you going to work? The rain just stopped, what a good boy, ah! Sister Sun, what's the matter with your nose?"

    Li Feibai nodded at the uncle, without saying a word.

    Come to think of it, this "Sister Sun" refers to Aunt "Jia Jia".

    Sister Sun took a peek at Li Feibai, covered her nose with her hand and smiled awkwardly: "No, call Jiajia, I accidentally fell, and the ground is slippery after it rains, so be careful."

    The uncle took out two pieces of candy from his pocket and stuffed them to Li Feibai, "Your aunt is also good to you. When Jiajia grows up, she must honor her aunt!" Li Feibai didn't answer, and looked at the uncle suspiciously. I don't understand how he could see that his aunt was kind to "Jiajia".     "If it weren't for me, she wouldn't know where to beg for food. Now that she is a little older, she is not as obedient as she was when she was a child. I don't know if I owe her something in my previous life.     " During the rebellious period, my family is the same, fighting with me every day."     I don't know if people of this age like to chat, or if neighbors always chat for a while when they meet.     Li Feibai stood by and listened to his family's gossip for more than ten minutes.     I finally understood why the uncle wanted "Jia Jia" to honor his aunt in the future.     Both of Jiajia's parents died when she was a child. After several years of schooling, she has been living in a place arranged by her aunt. She usually helps her aunt take care of the orchard and sell apples.     My aunt is a very vain person, and she would tell everyone how good she was to "Jia Jia" and adopted this unwanted child.     The uncle only echoed what the aunt said, but when he looked at Li Feibai, there was always a touch of imperceptible pity and sympathy in his eyes.     Li Feibai knew it in his heart.     Whether a child is doing well or not is actually easy to tell.     It's just that outsiders like them can't do anything, and they can't say anything. If they expose their aunt, they will only be "Jia Jia" in the end.     Li Feibai looked at the ups and downs of the houses in the distance with a blank face, and couldn't tell what it was like in his heart.     After an unknown amount of time, the uncle smiled and waved his hand to say goodbye to Li Feibai, and they continued on their way.     "When you arrive at Song's house, be good, don't make your master angry, do whatever you are asked to do, understand?"     Auntie's tone was still fierce, perhaps Li Feibai's deterrence had worked, she did not dare Too close to Li Feibai.

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